[nanomsg] Re: nn_symbol on steroids

  • From: Evan Wies <evan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: nanomsg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 13:26:37 -0500


I was the original committer of the nn_symbol code. You can find some original discussion here [1].

Overall, I think namespacing makes sense. And if a user just wants the constant names, they can ignore it. As you can see here [2], I currently use the "^E" pattern to separate out Error codes in the LuaJIT binding, but couldn't do more without something like your proposal:

nn_symbol was originally made as simple as possible to facilitate the language binding, so that should be a consideration. The new API is fine for the binding I maintain (LuaJIT), but I'm not sure about the others.

Of course your change breaks ABI/API and existing bindings.

The namespace symbols themselves should be added, e.g.:

I don't have an opinion about semantic types in general, but I could see why it would be cool for something like nanoconfig.


[1] //www.freelists.org/post/nanomsg/RFC-Error-code-query-API
[2] https://github.com/nanomsg/luajit-nanomsg/blob/master/nanomsg-ffi.lua#L64

On 11/25/2013 12:33 PM, Paul Colomiets wrote:

I've just created a pull request [1] for the nn_symbol, how I would
like it to be. Basically its:

int nn_symbol (int i, struct nn_symbol_properties *buf, int buflen);

With structure being:

struct nn_symbol_properties {
     /*  The constant value  */
     int value;
     /*  The contant name  */
     const char* name;
     /*  The constant namespace, or zero for namespaces themselves */
     int ns;
     /*  The option type for socket option constants  */
     int type;

So basically it adds few things:

1. Namespace, so you may turn number into name without clashes [2]

2. Socket option type, so language bindings can have fool-proof setsockopt

3. Extensibility, if we ever want to add some more info we don't loose
ABI compatibility

The questions for everybody are:

1. It it ok?

2. Any migration path needed at this stage?

3. How to treat a type. The experimental commit has two types
NN_TYPE_INT and NN_TYPE_STR. I would add more semantic types:

* NN_TYPE_STRING_LIST (subscribe/unsubscribe)


[1]: https://github.com/nanomsg/nanomsg/pull/200
[2]: https://github.com/nanomsg/nanomsg/issues/161

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