[nanomsg] Re: On the use of small integers instead of pointers to identify "sockets"

  • From: Nico Williams <nico@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Martin Sustrik <sustrik@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 03:13:24 -0500

On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 12:03 AM, Martin Sustrik <sustrik@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 04/09/13 17:50, Nico Williams wrote:
>> But surely nanomsg fd numbers can't be passed to POSIX system calls and
>> library functions!
> No. You can't implement that in user space. POSIX doesn't allow for that
> kind of thing. True file descriptors can be implemented only in the kernel
> space.

Well...  You could use interposition on Linux and Solaris type OSes.
I'm not advocating that (and I wouldn't; it's neither portable nor
reliable).  And you could make sure that any fd returned by nanomsg
has a corresponding /dev/null or similar fd just to protect against
accidental use of nanomsg fds where they don't belong.

> However, I've made a patch for Linux kernel that would fix that and allow
> for implementing true fds in the user space. Unfortunately, I don't have
> enough time and morale to push the patch to the mainline.

Ah!  Now I understand.  If kernel support via existing POSIX
interfaces is a goal, then your design makes perfect sense.  I was
trying to tease this out.

>>  Or did I miss something?  Perhaps you're just trying to
>> match POSIX system call prototypes [for some reason that I missed]?
> Yes. The goal is not to force developers to memorise two slightly different
> sets of APIs. ZeroMQ have diverged that way lately -- the API is kind od
> socket-like, but there's a lot of differences as well. If you are working
> with both APIs you have to do a lot of mental switching which is not very
> helpful.

I don't see much value in that, particularly when the actual numeric
fd values are irrelevant.  But the reason you give above is

>>> Btw, one minor, but nice feature of ints as socket handles is that you
>>> can close a socket, then try to use it and get EBADF error. In ZeroMQ,
>>> where I've used pointers as handles, your program just crashes.
>> Er, yes, but since usually the next fd allocated is the lowest non-
>> negative number not currently in use... you could end up (particularly
>> in threaded programs, but not only) writing to the wrong fd.  The same
>> could happen if you used pointers, of course, but the point is that bugs
>> are bugs, and [likely] crashing is better than [possible] silent
>> corruption.
> True. Both ways are deficient. I guess matter of personal preference in the
> end.

If it were just personal preference then I know mine.  But aiming for
true kernel support for nanomsg makes this not a matter of personal
preference.  If you didn't want that then I think the alternative is
better because it involves less code, but that's not relevant now.
Case closed.

Thanks for your time!


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