[nama] Re: Playback stops too soon

  • From: "S. Massy" <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: nama@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2012 14:14:30 -0400

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 01:49:36PM -0400, S. Massy wrote:
> It becomes even more important, because the problem I described
> (stopping too soon) was also due to a mismatch in sampling rates. A
> hunch made me try this quick calculation---
> length_in_seconds*44100/48000--- and was gratified that it yielded
> exactly the point at which playback would stop. What I suspect is
> happening here is that ecasound overrides its default format based on
> wave headers, as you described, but fails to update some aspect of its
> internal sampling rate, causing a mismatch between where it thinks its
> playback head is and where it actually is. I'll report this on
> ecasound-list.
But I can't reproduce this in pure ecasound. Nama somehow tricks
ecasound in that respect. Do you recall roughly in what order commands
are issued to create the chainsetup?

For instance, if I run aio-status in nama, I'll get:
Input (3): "/home/smassy/nama/bach/.wav/roh_1.wav," - [DB => RIFF wave
 -> connected to chains "4": position (0.000/194.893) seconds.
 -> open, , s24_le/2ch/44100Hz, buffer 128.
...even though the wave file is at 48k, but this does not happen if I
use ai-add in IAM.


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