[mso] Re: Word forms (from outlook forms)

  • From: "Bill Scott" <bscott@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003 05:30:53 -0800

Hi Dian ;
All I did was to upzip your code and put my path names in ... FormsFive
Download,  there seems to be an open quote at
    vRecordSet.Open "SELECT But I don't know vbe well enough to see it ...
sorry to be such a pain .... *||:^)
Can the &_ cause problems ... ??

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    'declare variables for new connection and recordset and declare
    Dim vConnection As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim vRecordSet As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim vClientFName, vClientLName, vCompany, vAddress, vCity, vState, vZip,
vPhone, vNotes As String

    'provide connection string for data using Jet Provider for Access
    vConnection.ConnectionString = "data source=c:\bin\windows
tools\Automate Office 2000\Source Code FormsFive\Client_Info.mdb;" & _
    'open connection

    'test connection state...this can later be commented out...but it helps
    'let you know if the connection was successful when testing the code
    vConnectionState = vConnection.State
    If vConnectionState = 1 Then
        MsgBox "The connection to this database is working!", vbInformation
        MsgBox "You were unable to connect to the assigned database!",
    End If

    'set variable equal to whatever is entered into First & LastName form
    'so you can query the DB with this name to see if a record exists
    vClientFName = ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkClientFName").Result
    vClientLName = ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkClientLName").Result

    'open a RecordSet with SQL query results...to see if first/last name
matches a record
    vRecordSet.Open "SELECT * FROM ClientInfo WHERE ClientInfo!FName = " " &
Chr(34) & vClientFName & Chr(34) & AND ClientInfo!LName = " " & Chr (34) &
vClientLName & Chr(34), vConnection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

    'if a match is found, display it to the user in a message box
    'you'll get a match if you are NOT .EOF (end of file)
    With vRecordSet
        If Not .EOF Then
          vCorrectRecord = MsgBox("Is this the correct record?" & Chr(13) &
Chr(13) & _
             vRecordSet("FName") & " " & _
             vRecordSet("LName") & ", " & _
             vRecordSet("Address") & ", " & _
             vRecordSet("City"), _
             vbYesNo + vbInformation, "User Record")
        'if you ARE *else* (are .EOF), that means no record was matched,
tell the user
            MsgBox "No possible match was found."
        End If
    End With

    'If the answer equals 6, it means they clicked Yes on the MsgBox
accepting this match
    If vCorrectRecord = 6 Then
        'if yes...set variables from DB fields (the name variables are
already set above)
        vCompany = vRecordSet("Company")
        vAddress = vRecordSet("Address")
        vCity = vRecordSet("City")
        vState = vRecordSet("State")
        vZip = vRecordSet("Zip")
        vPhone = vRecordSet("Phone")
        vNotes = vRecordSet("Notes")

        'set the form field's bookmarks to the results from the database
field variables
        ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkCompany").Result = vCompany
        ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkAddress").Result = vAddress
        ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkCity").Result = vCity
        ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkState").Result = vState
        ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkZip").Result = vZip
        ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkPhone").Result = vPhone
        ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkNotes").Result = vNotes
        'if not 6, then not Yes, so must be NO...remind user to update
        MsgBox "Since this is not the correct entry..." & Chr(13) & _
          "be sure to fill out remaining form fields and click *Update* " &
Chr(13) & _
          "so this person will be added to the database."
    End If

      'close objects

      'clear object to free up memory
      Set vRecordSet = Nothing
      Set vConnection = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
    'declare new connection, recordset and variables
    Dim vConnection As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim vRecordSet As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim vClientFName, vClientLName, vCompany, vAddress, vCity, vState, vZip,
vNotes As String

    'provide same as previous connection string for data using Jet Provider
for Access database
    vConnection.ConnectionString = "data source=c:\bin\windows
tools\Automate Office 2000\Source Code FormsFive\Client_Info.mdb;" & _
    'open connection

    'set variables from text enter into all the AutoForm field bookmark
    vClientFName = ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkClientFName").Result
    vClientLName = ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkClientLName").Result
    vCompany = ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkCompany").Result
    vAddress = ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkAddress").Result
    vCity = ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkCity").Result
    vState = ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkState").Result
    vZip = ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkZip").Result
    vPhone = ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkPhone").Result
    vNotes = ActiveDocument.FormFields("bkNotes").Result

    'Open a new version of the temporary RecordSet accessing the ClientInfo
table in Database
    vRecordSet.Open "ClientInfo", vConnection, adOpenKeyset,
    'we can't enter "nothing", so only set variables with some data entered
info the field
    If vClientFName <> "" Then vRecordSet!FName = vClientFName
    If vClientLName <> "" Then vRecordSet!LName = vClientLName
    If vCompany <> "" Then vRecordSet!Company = vCompany
    If vAddress <> "" Then vRecordSet!Address = vAddress
    If vCity <> "" Then vRecordSet!City = vCity
    If vState <> "" Then vRecordSet!State = vState
    If vZip <> "" Then vRecordSet!Zip = vZip
    If vPhone <> "" Then vRecordSet!Phone = vPhone
    If vNotes <> "" Then vRecordSet!Notes = vNotes

    'update the RecordSet to the database, this adds your new client to the
    'advise the user the client has been added
    MsgBox vClientFName & " " & vClientLName & " has been added to your

      'close objects

      'clear object to free up memory
      Set vRecordSet = Nothing
      Set vConnection = Nothing

End Sub

Bill Scott

-- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Ecartis --
-- Type: application/msaccess
-- File: Client_Info.mdb

-- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Ecartis --
-- Type: application/msword
-- File: ClientInformationUpdateForm.doc

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