[mso] Re: Outlook 2003 - Blocked Senders query

  • From: "Andrew" <ak_lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 18:34:38 +0100

A quick look at the options available in the Junk Email Options dialog
suggests that Outlook has some filtering algorithm of its own besides its
'black' and 'white' lists.  The two middle options, marked 'Low' and 'High'
suggest that they use only the Junk Email Filter and, checking the :

"Junk e-mail filters help Outlook define which e-mail messages are spam.
There are two key points to remember about junk e-mail filters in Outlook:

    * The Outlook 2003 Junk E-mail Filter can be updated.
    * The junk e-mail filters for Outlook 97/98, 2000, and 2002 (XP) cannot
be updated."

Having described the five filters that you can see and edit, they go on to
say, further down:

"Starting with Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 2, the Junk E-mail Filter
is enhanced to automatically evaluate any incoming message to discover
whether it might be suspicious, potentially fraudulent, or part of a
"phishing" scheme. For details, see Block suspicious messages and phishing

This certainly suggests that there is some kind of filtering based on
content going on in 2003SP2, at least. Whether is works on a Bayesian
scoring system is very unclear. If it does, then I would like to be able to
adjust the watershed point as one can in SpamBayes.

I have found that, while I have both Spambayes and Outlook checking my
messages, it would appear that Spambayes actually handles very little of it
- if the Spam score is anything to go by: very little of the mail in the
junk folder is scored.

A feature I would like to see would be the ability to move a Safe Sender to
the Blocked Senders list, and vice versa. At the moment, clicking the Edit
button and then using Copy and Paste seems to be the only way to go, with
the inevitable possibility of having the same address in both lists - and
how Outlook would deal with that, I don't know!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: mso-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:mso-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Linda F. Johnson
> Sent: 21 April 2006 17:36
> To: mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [mso] Re: Blocked Senders query
> I don't know if or where MS has a blocked senders list we 
> don't see, but I do know this has been discussed in here 
> before....evidently some people still get mail moved to their 
> Junk folder even if they turn off the Outlook junk stuff.
> However, I also use SpamBayes instead of Outlook's junk 
> stuff, and you can go into SpamBayes settings and choose any 
> folder you want as your spam folder....so if you choose 
> Outlook's Junk Email folder, then all your junk ends up in 
> the same place.  I have SpamBayes set up to move new mail 
> that it suspects as junk into a folder I made called "Junk 
> Suspects"....then I also have SpamBayes set up to move mail 
> that is definitely spam into my Oulook Junk Email folder.  
> Usually, the only mail I have to check is the stuff in the 
> Junk Suspects folder and either mark it as spam or not spam, 
> then SpamBayes remembers this and treats it appropriately in 
> the future.  The mail that ends up in my Outlook Junk Email 
> folder is rarely anything I have to check and I can safely 
> delete it without looking too closely.
> Technically, I guess SpamBayes is off topic in this 
> group....but because it's an add-in made specifically for 
> Outlook and because it improves the performance of Outlook so 
> greatly, I consider it a necessary part of Outlook so I will 
> allow discussion of it in this group.
> Linda F. Johnson

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  • » [mso] Re: Outlook 2003 - Blocked Senders query