[mso] Re: Excel

  • From: "Glenda Wells" <gwells@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 11:36:30 -0500

The advanced filter would still include John Smith. For my purposes, any
record that exists more than once needs to be excluded.  /g

-----Original Message-----

From: Linda F. Johnson [mailto:linda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]

Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:04 AM

To: mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Subject: [mso] Re: Excel

So...just do an Advanced Filter and check the box for "unique records
only"...this will remove the duplicates, if that's all you need (?)

Sorry, I haven't been following this thread real closely, so I could be
off the mark here.

Linda F. Johnson, M.A., MOS

Linda's Computer Stop


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-----Original Message-----

From: mso-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mso-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Glenda Wells

Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 9:50 AM

To: mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Subject: [mso] Re: Excel

sample layout today

first     last     score     talent     concat

John      Smith    125       Kazoo      johsmikaz

John      Smith    125       Kazoo      johsmikaz

Kate      Jones    202       Guitar     katjongui

April     Brown    193       Viola      aprbrovio

John      Smith    125       Kazoo      johsmikaz


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