[mso] Chit-Chat and OT on this mailing list

  • From: "Peter Chiavaro" <kp@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: <mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 09:02:17 -0400

(I?m not for sure on this but)? I believe there are many
list-members who don?t mind a little chit-chat. I think is safe to
assume that the majority of list-members do not like an ?ICE COLD
approach? to sharing the knowledge we have. I am one of them. This
particular list is VERY powerful in that the list members are
knowledgeable in a *whole suite* of programs. We are also very
lucky to have a nice list moderator/owner who devotes a lot of
time into making this a nice place to SHARE the knowledge.

On the other hand; we all know that too much chit-chat and OT will
result in some ?un*subdescscribbletions? <g>. Some people don?t
care for chit-chat at all. They need to get in?. get help, and
POOF? they?re GONE. There?s no problem with that. Actually, that?s
exactly the purpose of this list.

On the other hand, I for one would like to be able to go like this
once in a while?
Hello Colin, I see that you?re located in England. I understand
you guys have a great line of Jack Russell Terriers over there.

Now my point is,?. (actually it?s more of an inquiry than a point)

Not to take away from the ?water fountain? mailing list that was
suggested yesterday, and CERTAINLY NOT to take away from THIS
list, perhaps us ?[mso] chatterer box people? would be better off
being hooked up LIVE via a little IRC program. I am curious to
know just how many of us already have one of these already
installed in their machines. (I guess if you work in an office,
the boss ain?t gonna go for this AT ALL, so you can stop reading
and go back to your J.O.B. LOL)

AOL Instant Messenger
Yahoo Instant Messenger
MSN messenger

Even if you do not use one of the above, there is now a little
program that handles messages AND file transfers FROM ALL 4
PROGRAMS. You can hook up LIVE with anyone using ANY of the above.

The program is absolutely FREE. It?s called ?TRILLION?. It stays
in your system tray and uses an itsy-bitsy teeny-weenie amount of
memory and or system recourses.

Actually, I have no first hand knowledge of this program
 ?TRILLION?. All I know is that my system administrator (dweeb of
all dweebs) swears by it. I was thinking about installing it today
and doing away with my ICQ memory HOG! This is what gave me the
idea to hook up all the people from this list who have the rubber
lips. We can shoot the breeze, or maybe swap some example files
/URL?s, PICS, , ETC.

Sorry for all this bla bla bla? I?m on my 4th cup of coffee, and
about my 5th cigarette.

Nonetheless, I wouldn?t write this unless I thought was for the
betterment of this list. I really like it here it here and I only
SUSPECT that there are others who would like to socialize a
little, (which we can?t / shouldn?t do here).

If there are any interested parties, you can ICQ me or email me.

Thanks for your time. Sorry for the excessive use of my favorite
phrase? ?On the other hand??

Happy to finally be?????.. ?3D and ?=? free.

Peter C.
Stuart, Florida
* Kp@xxxxxxxx
ICQ = 412633


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  • » [mso] Chit-Chat and OT on this mailing list