[msi-laptop-owners-linux] mint 18

  • From: Roger Lawhorn <rll@xxxxxxx>
  • To: msi-laptop-owners-linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2016 16:28:39 -0400


Mint 18 beta hit the shelves so to speak.
It is not the final release but I have been busy testing it and providing solutions to common problems.
I am currently completely moved over to it and am no longer running mint 17.3.

systemD has upset many and by default Upstart doesn't work with mint 18 (Ubuntu 16.04) even though it is supposed to.

I have a fix for that below.

I also have an issue with the MSI Steel Series light-up routines not working anymore.
I am going to start figuring out why immediately. Perhaps a newer version of nodejs is the issue.

How to get booted with Upstart instead of systemD with Mint 18 (temp fix):

To boot into upstart in mint 18:

Install mint 18 and boot with systemD as normal.
Install Upstart:
>sudo apt-get install upstart-sysv

Make some changes to your boot line:
>sudo nano /etc/default/grub

Remove 'quiet' from the following line and add 'init=/sbin/upstart':

Change this:
To this:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="splash init=/sbin/upstart"

For some reason when you install upstart-sysv the default grub boot line is missing the "init=/sbin/upstart" part and init is used to boot your system. Not systemD, not Upstart. So we fix this.

CTRL+o to save and CTRL+x to exit

Tell grub about your new boot line parameters:
>sudo update-grub

Create a new ramdisk for Upstart:
>sudo update-initramfs -u -k all

>sudo reboot

You will have to login to a text login.

After the login you will see the reason Upstart cannot provide you with a graphical login:
systemd-logind[2520]: Failed to start user service, ignoring: Unknown unit:

When I find a fix for this error I will get back with you all.

To get to your pretty desktop do this:
>sudo service mdm restart

The only inconvenience is logging into text mode and restart into the Mint Desktop Manager (MDM).

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