[mira_talk] Re: [mira_talk] problem in assembly

  • From: "Abhishek sharma" <abhishek_btbin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: 9 Apr 2012 08:23:21 -0000

actaully during extraction time sff_extract doesnt extract files into fastq 
properly so thatzz why it show message of input parametrizastion.

thanks .

From: Bastien Chevreux &lt;bach@xxxxxxxxxxxx&gt;
Sent: Fri, 06 Apr 2012 00:34:43 
To: mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [mira_talk]  problem in assembly
On Apr 5, 2012, at 9:10 ,&nbsp;Abhishek sharma wrote:

&gt; No quality data found: (454) GYFWTOJ02JFJCK

&gt; [...]


&gt; Fatal error (may be due to problems of the input data or parameters):


&gt; "Some reads had no quality values given (see log above),

&gt; please check your input data.

&gt; If sure that this is ok for your data, switch off this check with 

&gt; for any sequencing type you wish (Sanger, 454, IonTorrent, PacBio, Solexa, 


&gt; please give me solution fr that &nbsp;i have files.xml .qual .fastq .fasta 

So ... did you check whether the quality file is loaded? And if yes, did you 
check the quality file for the sequences MIRA admonishes?



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