[mira_talk] fasta2frag

  • From: "Thomas, Dallas" <Dallas.Thomas@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 10:04:29 -0600



I recently did a de novo metagenomic assembly on 684 million Illumina
reads through a number of steps.  From the process I got 2,634,203
contigs with a N50 of >500 and largest contig 93,991.  I am now
attempting a hybrid assembly with some 454 libraries.  As you can see
contig size is going to be a bit of an issue.  I have been doing a bit
of looking at the fasta2frag script and am trying to figure out what my
best options are to select.  Would you have any suggestions.




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