[mira_talk] Re: CentOS5 installation: BOOST problems and resolution

  • From: Bastien Chevreux <bach@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 21:24:31 +0100

On Wednesday 26 January 2011 11:27:28 Leighton Pritchard wrote:
> Just in case anyone else runs into similar problems (or there's an
> opportunity to fix the underlying problem), I thought it might be useful to

Phew ... thanks Leighton for that detailed summary. I'll go through and see 
whether I can ease a few things (if I find out out, that is).

> Starting from a pretty standard CentOS5 with nearly all CentOS base/EL
> packages (we're discouraged from straying by IT policy), flex and BOOST
> versions are too old for MIRA's liking. 

Too old? Oh dear, what do they install in CentOS?

> Both are straightforward-ish to
> install from source, but the standard flex installation does not place a
> symlink for flex++ (which should point to the flex binary), so the
> configure script reports a version mismatch until this is fixed.

Argh, the old flex vs flex++ nemesis. If only I know how to correctly check for 
this kind of interesting installations. Fortunately that does not happen all 
too often.

> Having built BOOST with
> [... snip boost problem ...]
> I looked into the configure script, assuming that there must be some issue
> with recognition of the libraries, but rapidly decided that messing around
> in there was a bad idea. 

Yes ... I am relying on the autoconf BOOST macros and they are also really, 
really difficult to understand. When they work, everything's perfect. But when 
they don't, wrapping one's head around what they might be doing and why they 
fail ... well, I've given up. BTW, the amount of debugging output related to 
BOOST in the configure.in script gives a hint on the amount of work I already 
put into it :-/

> I hope this is useful to someone.

This mailing list also exists for exactly that reason: allowing people to find 
it via Google when they have a problem ... and find a solution. Thank you for 
the detailed account ... at least for flex++ I think I might have a silution.

> If anyone reading this spots something
> simple I've overlooked, I'd be grateful for the pointers.

[X] Me too!


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