[freelists-midimag] #ot: Audio Plugin And Instrument Accessibility Catalog

  • From: "Toni Barth" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> ("hihohaia")
  • To: midimag@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2023 23:59:24 +0100

Hello folks,

a bit off-topic this time, but well, i guess the topic might be interesting to you anyway.

I finally started the undertaking of providing the what I call: Audio Plugin And Instrument Accessibility Catalog. A website meant to gather all kinds of information of plugins, instruments, FX and such and especially information about their accessibility, size, requirements, flaws, gatchas etc etc. Its meant to be dynamic, means that it'll allow you to filter. Wanna see only VST plugins that are Mac-compatible? No problem. Or want to search for a specific vendor or keyword? Easy.

We already have something related to that, the NI Kontakt catalog on Lee Julien's website, which i'm planning to incooperate too, because that one is static and doesn't really allow you to filter etc.

This is the current list of features i've planned / am planning to add. I'd love you to add anything that comes to mind to this list so that I can think of a way to realize it:

* List all products with the following attributes:

  - vendor (incl. a link and description + a way to access the vendor's website)

  - size (in megabytes / gigabytes, depending on its size)

  - OS compatibility (Windows, Linux, Mac Intel, Mac ARM)

  - link to product website

  - description of accessibility

  - NKS ready (yes/no)

  - audio demo (if available)

  - product type (FX, VST(i), Kontakt library, whatever else sample player library, SFZ etc)

  - maybe authorization method (Native Access, iLok etc)

* filter for all the above things (keyword, Mac Intel only, NKS ready yes and so on)

* pagination (huge overloaded websites with alot of content take quite a while to open in browsers, take the catalog by Lee for example, or the REAPER API)

* store filters across sessions and when switching subpages

Hm, that is all there is in my head right now. Do you have any wishes for other features there?

The project is already a work in progress and can be found at the Musical Sight website as soon as its ready: https://timtam.github.io/musicalsight/

Feel free to fire at me and i'll see what I can do.

Oh yeah, by the way, the catalog data itself will be in a really simple and self-explanatory format so that everyone who wants to can add to the already existing list of products, so that we all together can maintain the catalog and have it grow to contain all the products we love and tested.

Thank you in advance.


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