[mansion] Churchill suggests Holiday Lights move to Empire State Plaza

  • From: Dorian Solot <dorian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "mansion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <mansion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2021 23:22:13 -0400

Albany Times-Union

Churchill: The perfect new home for Holiday Lights
The annual lights display will leave Washington Park. Here's where it should go next

Chris Churchill
Oct. 12, 2021

ALBANY — So, that's it. This next Capital Holiday Lights will be its last in Washington Park, and the event needs to find a new home.

That's probably for the best. The traffic, exhaust and noise of 25,000 cars over a six-week span do not equal what a green jewel like Washington Park is supposed to be. Heck, if somebody were to make me king, I'd try removing cars from the park altogether.

Still, there are reasons, I think, to have misgivings about the departure of Holiday Lights from Washington Park — to fear its leaving may be bad for Albany, even if it's good for the park and the people who live around it.

For one thing, the annual event is the big fundraiser for the Albany Police Athletic League, paying for a broad array of programs, including childcare, that benefit kids in the city's poorest neighborhoods.

Will a relocated Holiday Lights make as much money?

Probably not. Meanwhile, moving the event might also hit the city's economy.

Albany boosters never seem to believe me when I say this, but there are a healthy number of Capital Region residents who never go into the city. They feel there's nothing much to draw them in, and the city's ongoing violence problems are a reason to stay away.

Consider:  Saturday night's mass shooting, which killed one and injured six others, was at least the third time this year when at least five people have been injured at once in the city. Rightly or wrongly, the horror of that threatens to define Albany in the region's collective mind.

Holiday Lights, for all its problems and headaches, helped acclimate outsiders to Albany, showing them its beauty and proving there's more to the place than the violence. While restaurant and business owners on nearby Lark Street say they don't receive much of a boost from Holiday Lights, I still believe an event that draws 100,000 people benefits the city in ways big and small.

It would be a good thing, then, for Holiday Lights to find a new location in central Albany, instead of moving to, say, the Harriman State Office Campus or some other place on the fringe, and I happen to have a suggestion:  Empire State Plaza.

Imagine, if you will, the displays spread around the massive platform, a dazzling complement to the big decorated tree, the skating rink and crowds from "The Nutcracker" spilling from The Egg. Add a few vendors, take down the ugly winter barricades, throw in a sprinkling of holiday magic and we might just get the Albany version of a European Christmas market.

Yes, this version of Holiday Lights would require that people get out of their cars and walk off the eggnog. But the plaza is flat, and there's plenty of parking. Another plus: ample electricity.

True, I know it seems unlikely the state of New York would allow it. Its muckety mucks reportedly balked at Mayor Kathy Sheehan's suggestion that Holiday Lights move to state-owned Harriman, and those winter barricades suggest someone in the bureaucracy is deathly afraid a litigious visitor might slip on ice and sue.

And so, skating rink aside, the Plaza is pretty much a barren, depressing wasteland over the many months of our long winters. No fun allowed. Go to the mall, riffraff!

That isn't what Empire State Plaza was meant to be, mind you. A broken promise of its construction — the supposed trade-off for wiping away a chunk of the city — was that the plaza would be Albany's beating civic heart, a place of art and celebration and music and life.

Bringing Holiday Lights there would be a step toward realizing that long-ago vision. And maybe, just maybe, the administration of Gov. Kathy Hochul will be more willing to welcome the public to state property — a welcome change from the fellow whose paranoia turned the Capitol into a fortress.

For what it's worth, I wrote a version of this for my weekly newsletter — what?! you don't subscribe?!! — and the reaction to the idea  of moving Holiday Lights to the plaza was overwhelmingly positive. Several readers said they would like a version of the event that gets people out of their cars.

Ann in Watervliet offered a suggestion: golf carts.

"As a senior," she wrote, "the thought of walking around on the ice isn’t too appealing, and you mentioned New York state fearing lawsuits if people fell on the ice. So, golf carts would solve my problem as well as the state’s."

Interesting idea, although I suspect the state's lawyers would faint at the notion of golf carts zipping around. Yet there would need to some way to move people with mobility issues around the plaza. A holiday train, perhaps?

cchurchill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ■ 518-454-5442 ■ @chris_churchill


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  • » [mansion] Churchill suggests Holiday Lights move to Empire State Plaza - Dorian Solot