[macvoiceover] using command option arrows to move items in the Reminders app on Mac

  • From: Ian Edwards <ianedwards42@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Mac Voiceover list Mac Voiceover List <macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 17:05:14 -0700

Hello list, I was just moving some items around on my doc, on my Mac that is, 
Using the command option left and right arrows that somebody suggested 
previously on the list. I had forgotten all about this until just now, and 
wondered if it would help me win the battle with moving items around in the 
reminders table in the reminders app. I had tried dragging, Using both 
voiceover and most downloads up commands, With no success. The only thing that 
seem to work was to cut and paste items, this sometimes worked but always 
dropped the item you pasted to the bottom of the list.

So, I just tried using command option up and down arrows to move items, and 
what do you know, it worked. It's not quite as effective as how you can drag 
stuff in the app on iPhone, as focus doesn't stay with the item you're moving. 
But the item does move. I'm not getting the handy position announcements like 
you do when you move items on the dock using command option left or right 
arrow, but it seems to be more effective then cut and paste. When you add a new 
reminder, it is automatically at the bottom of the list, and this allows you to 
march up to the top if you want.

If this is old hat to you, just ignore my ignorance. If this is new to you, 
hope the tip helps. Does anyone know if this works in other tables, like 
perhaps playlists in iTunes?

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