[macvoiceover] how to select sender from list message and decide how to handle it:

  • From: David Poehlman <david.poehlman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 08:49:23 -0400


I botched this in my previous note on another thread, so here it is with correction:
1. open the message
2. go to headers and interact.
3. find the button with the senders name on it and press vo-space.
4. down arrow to the item you want to use like reply to sender or copy address and press enter.. 5 if you have chosen reply to sender, check that the correct address is in the two field of your new message composition window. if you have chosen copy address, it is on the clipboard so you can start a new message, paste the address into the to field and go from there.

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