[macvoiceover] error when attempting software update

  • From: Mark Baxter <markbaxter38@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 16:58:28 -0700

When attempting a software update, I encounter the following behavior:
The download proceeds normally; 449 megs will take about 12 minutes. Then, the time shoots way up to about eight hours. Even on a clean restart, with no other applications running, this happened. Then, the download fails altogether, with the following message: This package can't be saved, because it has been corrupted or tampered with since being signed by Apple.

I can't get around this. Is this a server time-out due to high traffic (my pet theory, which is mine), or ... something else...

Mark BurningHawk

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