[macvoiceover] announcing mailboxes

  • From: Marcy Weinberg <rhymingmom1@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 11:11:02 -0400

Hi, everyone!
I have several mailboxes set up in apple mail, with rules set up so that the mail goes into its proper mailbox. I also chose the glass ding to alert me when new mail comes in, but always had to check around to figure out which mailboxes had the new mail. . Now, I have audio files set up to announce when mail comes into each mailbox, and have set it up so that each announcement is in a different voice. It's terrific, and I no longer have to wonder, when I hear the glass ding, which mailbox has received mail because I get the announcements! Marcy
Wordy Mom
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