[macvoiceover] SL: Mail Preferences

  • From: "Jim Fettgather" <jimfettgather@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 10:54:12 -0500

Hi to the list.

I had noticed that in Mail preferences, under General, there appears to be a way to choose other programs to be used to render mail.

The default is mail 4.1, there is a popup button, and you are given a chance to choose any other program installed on the computer to be the mail reader.

I was excited about this because of the less than optimal way in which many mail messages are rendered, i.e. pausing at the end of each line.

I tried choosing Safari as the default mail reader, and could not detect any differences.

I am wondering if anyone has experimented with these settings and has experienced any differences in reading mail?

Thanks a lot.

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