[macvoiceover] Re: Query about ripping cd's on the mac

  • From: John Hess <johnythehess@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 08:24:44 -0500

Scott, I think switch will do this. Haven't tried it myself but it handles lots of diferent formats and should handle it. Switch is free do a search for "switch sound file converter mac".

On Mar 4, 2009, at 6:27 AM, Scott Rutkowski wrote:

Hi all.

Ok what I am wanting to know is are there any other cd rippers for the mac besides iTunes? Now before anyone asks why not use iTunes, I need to rip a whole bunch of cd's to their own folders on the mac not to an iTunes library and encode the content as mp3. Now I know there's one called max version 0.81 i'm concerned it hasn't been updated for over 2 years. I also note it's freeware. Is there any cd ripper similar to max which you can actually buy and gets updated more regularly? I realize freeware is free and that you don't always have to update software but i've always liked the idea of using software that is updated regularly not 2 to 3 years between upgrades.
I'd be interested in others comments regarding the above.

Thanks to anyone who can assist.

John W. Hess & Barclay the WonderLab

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