[macvoiceover] New Mac Purchasers & one-to-one

  • From: Judy Wilkinson <jwilkins@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 22:50:10 -0700

If you live near an Apple store you might consider purchasing the one-to-one option. I have already gotten my money's worth from the one-to-one purchase: $99 a year. I have no sighted assistance, and in the 3 hour-long one-to-one sessions I've had so far: my "genius" unpacked my Fed Ex box and read me everything (all the stickers etc).; set up preferences for VO (with my instructions about settings I wanted); imported stuff from my portable hard drive including my iTunes library; set up my mail account; installed VM Fusion.

Remember though, these folks usually don't have a clue about VO, but I find the more I know, the more I can help them help me, and they think VO is so cool and are generally eager to learn as much about it as they can.

Caveats: you can only make one appointment at a time and when you get one depends on each store's staffing; also, you won't necessarily get the same person each time.

There's a fine line here: they aren't there to tutor you about every Mac keystroke you'll need, but hey, it's more personal help than I ever got from Microsoft or Dell!

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