[macvoiceover] Re: Install comments from Cheryl

  • From: "Cheryl Homiak" <chomiak7737@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 20:29:27 -0500

1. Warning about software update: it appears that when you run software updates there will then be a dialog asking if you want to use one of your peripheral drives to backup with time machine. You may see this dialog readily or you may see it when you do the applications chooser or window chooser. At least on my ppc mac mini, allowing this to happen gives me some busy signals and makes finder hard to navigate. The nice thing, though, is that apparently you don't always have to restart your computer with software update any more.

2. I found the numpad commander for vo; really cool!!!

3. Most of my applications remained after archive and install. This is usual. what is unusual is that apparently all my infovox-ivox voices got uninstalled even though visiovoice is still there and opens fine. Not quite sure I understand why the infovox-ivox voices were dumped.

4. Will have more to report once time machine quits slowing me down in finder. actually, it doesn't seem to keep me from exploring other apps.



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