[macvoiceover] Campaign for audio description

  • From: Ian Harrison <harrisonclan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: OS X & iOS Accessibility <mac-access@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 7 Nov 2015 13:34:48 +0000

Dear listers,
Apple does so much that is excellent for us that I am surprised at their
lacklustre performance in the area of audio described entertainment. I have
tried for many years to improve this service outside the Apple ecosystem and am
wondering how you all feel about trying to persuade Apple to help crack this

I seem to recall a couple of years ago, at an Apple presentation, something was
made of the introduction of a search category in iTunes for audio described
films. Nothing real has come of this. There is also the current and hopefully
temporary problem with Netflix that has hit these forums. However, an even
bigger problem with Netflix is the continued difficulty of navigating the app
with voice over. With all the money and influence Apple has, it would be nice
to try and get them to show just how well this could be done. Their commitment
to Voice Over is great in my book. Perhaps they could extend these efforts to
the actual consumption of films and TV shows.

It would only need to be the simple things in my book:

1. Enable a filter for movies etc that have audio description.
2. Require that the digital vile on iTunes has the same audio tracks as appear
on DVD or BluRay. I am not asking Apple to try and force film producers to
provide AD, but so many now do on physical media. Why does this not translate
to downloads or streaming? Netflix have proved it is possible.

In my own small way, I have brought this up with Apple, Netflix, Amazon and
others whenever possible. I have explained that there are so many of us ready
to jump on a way to purchase or subscribe to audio described material that we
could provide a measurable increase in hardware purchases and digital

I was wondering if you agree and have any ideas as to how to present a louder
proposal to Apple?

Thank you for allowing me this chance to air my thoughts. I don't think it is
off topic, but apologise if you disagree.

Ian >

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