[mac4theblind] A few list matters

  • From: John Panarese <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "mac4theblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx mac4theblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <mac4theblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2015 12:02:06 -0500

Hi guys,
It’s a little early, but since things are going to get a little busy here
and I will be away for a week up in Buffalo at Christmas, I wanted to just wish
everyone a happy holiday season. Have a happy Hanukkah and a Merry Christmas as
well as a safe and healthy New Year.

I also want to thank all of you who subscribe to the list and especially
for those who are kind enough to help others when questions are posted. We have
several folks who do so on a regular basis and they often fly under the radar
as far as their value is to me here. Though I don’t want to necessarily single
anyone out, I do particularly want to thank Sarah for her constant assistance
and technical expertise she offers on a daily basis. She often elaborates on my
brief responses or provides far more detail and knowledge from her own personal
experiences in real world situations. Also, I apologize if I am embarrassing
you further, but a happy birthday to you as well, Sarah.

As another note from some private messages that have asked about this
topic, I have a pretty open policy about people advertising themselves on this
list. I am, as many of you know, a certified Apple trainer and am also a Apple
Certified Support Professional who offers private training via telephone, Skype
and FaceTime. I also have audio tutorials for sale on my site, and am very much
enjoying working as a partner with Fedora Outlier as their director of
training, teaching an online course to prepare blind people to take the ACSP
exam and also helping to organize their other Apple related training courses.
Nevertheless, I don’t mind folks also posting information about their tutorials
and their own training services, and if the subject has to do with the blind in
some important capacity, that is fine as well. If you are looking to sell any
items, please just check with me first before you post. Also, if you are unsure
where the service or event or whatever it may be might fall in my policies for
posting here, please feel free to contact me about it.

As you all should know, I do not moderate this list, and I’ve always
counted on a couple of you, like George, to help out by assisting me either on
the list when it’s necessary er by bringing things to my attention privately. I
thank you for that, as it all helps me tremendously.

Again, thank you for continuing to make this list a valuable resource for
a lot of our members, and keep up the great work. We have a bunch of great
people here, and I’m appreciative of every single one of you who are subscribed
to the list

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479
Email, john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Website, http://www.macfortheblind.com





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