[Ann] strong.lua v0.1

  • From: Pierre-Yves Gérardy <pygy79@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: luajit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2013 22:09:29 +0100

I'm pleased to announce the first release of strong.lua, a rewrite of
the Lua string pattern matching functions, rewritten in Lua + FFI, for

Feedback most welcome.


From the README:

`strong.find`, `strong.match`, and `strong.gmatch` are currently
implmented according to the Lua manual.

`strong.gsub` is yet to be written.

For the null byte in patterns, `strong` suports both `"%z"`, like Lua
5.1 and "\0", like Lua 5.2. You can capture up to 200 values, if
that's your thing.

## Performance

The standard string matching functions in LuaJIT, as of 2013-12-15,
use the Lua API, and, as such, cause the compiler to abbort if they
are in the way. Their `strong` counterpart can be compiled, and
included in traces if they are in a hot path.

You have'll to benchmark your peculiar use case to determine if
`strong` improves the global performance of your program. You may also
want to try the "constchar" branch.

In my microbenchmarks, depending on the kind of pattern, and on some
luck regarding the JIT compiler heuristics [0], matching can be up to
three times faster than the original. In other circumstances, for the
same pattern, it can be up to three times slower. It is often on par.

`/!\`: `strong` translates patterns to Lua functions, and caches the
result. As a consequence, if you generate a lot of patterns
dynamically, and seldom use them, `strong` will be much, much slower
than the original. On the other hand, once a pattern has been
compiled, matching only depends on the target string, whereas the
reference functions have to dispatch on both the pattern and the
target string. This allows LuaJIT to compile the matchers optimally.

## Usage

    local strong = require"strong"

    strong.find("foobar", "b(%l*)") --> 4, 6, "ar"

Etc. for `match` and `gmatch`

Alternativley, you can `.install()` the library, and have it replace
the original functions completely.


    print(string.find == strong.find) --> true

    S = "foo"

    S:match"[^f]*" --> "oo", using `strong.match` rather than `string.match`

## Undefined behavior

### Bad patterns

`strong` validates the patterns before attempting a match, whereas Lua
validates them on the go.

For example:

    string.find("ab", "^b(") --> nil
    string.find("ba", "^b(") --> error: unfinished capture

`strong` will reject the pattern in both cases.

### Invalid ranges

The interaction between character classes (`%d`) and character ranges
(`a-z`) inside character sets (e.g. `[%d-z]`) is documented as
undefined in the Lua manual, and `strong` may hande them differently.

Specifically with `strong`:

* When placed before the dash,
  * if `%x` is a character class (e.g. `%l` for lower case letters)
`[%l-k]` is a character set containing digits (`%d`), `-` and `k`.
  * If %x is not a character class, the `%x` works as an escape
sequence , and thus `[%%-x]` is the character range between `%` and
`x`. `[%0-\127]` will match all ASCII characters.
* When the `%` occurs at the end of a character class, it is treated
as itself. `[x-%d]` contains the character range between `x` and `%`,
and the letter `d`. `[x--]` and `[x-]]` are accepted as ranges ending
in `-` and `]`, respectively.


* `%f`, the undocumented frontier pattern (easy)
* `strong.gsub` (a tad harder)

## License


## Notes

[0]: In the current benchmark suite, the order of the benchmarks
influences the results. for example at some point, testing
`gmatch("abcdabcdabcd", "((a)(b)c)()(d)")` alone, `strong` was taking
1.1 times the time of string.gmatch.

Test:   gmatch  abcdabcdabcd    ((a)(b)c)()(d)
strong/string:  1.1065842049995

If you bencmarked `string.find` before `gmatch`, with the same
pattern, the result was completely different.

Test:   find    abcdabcdabcd    ((a)(b)c)()(d)
strong/string:  3.1869296949683
Test:   gmatch  abcdabcdabcd    ((a)(b)c)()(d)
strong/string:  0.29895569825517

-- Pierre-Yves

Other related posts:

  • » [Ann] strong.lua v0.1 - Pierre-Yves Gérardy