RE: Overriding FFI ctype constructors?

  • From: Claire Lewis <claire_lewis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: LuaJIT <luajit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 21:47:31 +1030

Mike Pall wrote:
> Claire Lewis wrote:
> > Is there some way to provide my own constructor for a ctype in
> > FFI? Specifically for an opaque type that I have a C call to
> > create, such as:
> > ...
> Well, types don't have user-definable constructors in C, either.
> [They do in C++. But C++ support isn't on the horizon, yet.]

Understood; partly this is trying to make the interface here a little more Lua 
like, and partly because I am interfacing to C++ of course (via many tedious 
stub functions).

> In the general case, you'll want access to plain object creation
> (if the size is known) or to one of several user-defined
> constructors. Now, how do you differentiate those cases? If you
> can override the default constructor with your own function, then
> how do you create the object inside of that function, if needed?

I suppose I had thought overriding it would preclude "simple" creation of the 
struct, but that's not a very orthogonal solution either.


Maybe it would always be possibel to use the string form,"struct 
blah") or somesuch.



> I can see the benefit of orthogonality. But then ... the user of
> such a type doesn't really need the ctype. They should never
> instantiate it themselves. And in fact, they cannot do this for an
> incomplete struct, anyway.
> I'd redefine the problem as 'give me a constructor for every type'
> as opposed to 'give me a ctype for every type'. Then you can
> return either the ctype (which works as a constructor) or an
> explicit constructor function. The user of the library doesn't
> need to care, they just write 'local o = OpaqueType()'.

Well, yes and no.


I could definitely see users wanting to have access to ffi.istype().  Say, we 
might have (opaque) structs representing a Vector and a Matrix; someone wants 
to write a Lua function (or __mul metatable entry) that can take either; 
they'll need some mechanism to do so.


I could provide my own IsType(), though I can't use the (potentially cdata) 
constructor as a table key, so that's going to be tedious.


There are probably other ffi ctype based functions that would be beneficial 
too, but that's probably the one that stands out.


I understand FFI is a low level API, and perhaps I just need to wrap the whole 
thing.  I just don't want to get any unnecessary inefficiencies, or break 
effective JIT optimisation by adding too many layers to the code.


So this brings me to my current thought for a solution; make everything return 
a "constructor" that is in fact a table with a __call method to construct, but 
also contains some ".type" key, for things that need to get the ctype.



- Claire


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