[lit-ideas] the anti movement before and now

  • From: -tor <phatic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Lit Ideas <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2017 16:20:22 +0200

Dear listers and listeners,

An intersting piece [of writing] regurgitated by our godfathers at AL Daily describes the Cold War climate and its journalistic affiliates (CIA funded social commentary in a variety of tongues) thusly:

"Cuadernos, the CCF’s first Spanish-language effort, is a case in point: it was distributed in Spain and Latin America from 1953 until 1965. Edited throughout most of its lifespan by a Spaniard living in exile, it was frequently tone deaf and reactionary. It defended not only military coups in Latin America but even the Spanish conquest; and its argument that Latin America was a part of the West failed to attract much of an audience among left-leaning intellectuals. The Mexican satirist Jorge Ibargüengoitia, in one of his short stories, describes Cuadernos as having 'a decidedly anti-Communist air; but on studying it carefully, I began to suspect that it was just the opposite; that is, an apparently anti-Communist magazine, made by the Communists, to discredit the anti-Communists'.”

The whole review at https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/the-spy-who-funded-me-revisiting-the-congress-for-cultural-freedom/

Reminds [one] of the Memphistic classic "We can't go on together // with Suspicious Minds."

Best regards,


* * *

"It makes no difference to me at what point I begin, for I shall always come back again to this. It is necessary both to say and to think that being is; for it is possible that being is, and it is impossible that not-being is; this is what I bid thee ponder." -- The Goddess of Parmenides
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  • » [lit-ideas] the anti movement before and now - -tor