[lit-ideas] a small book review

  • From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 16:49:33 -0400

I found myself trapped in London this weekend without a book to read. I dashed over to Chapters and found an interesting looking book called "The Abortionist's Daughter" by one Elizabeth Hyde in the "new releases" section. After reading the lavish praises with the right amount of cautionary doubt, I grabbed the thing and returned to the hotel. It was labelled a 'thriller' and 'thinking person's spellbinder' or something like that and I couldn't put it down.

The basic plot: a girl has a fight with her mother -- a doctor who runs "the Centre for Reproductive Choice" -- and goes back to her college dorm in a huff. Her father also has a fight with her mother the same day and goes "somewhere". Later that same day, the mother is found dead -- apparently murdered. The search is on.

I was riveted to the couch with this book and there wasn't a hint of who did it until about the last 50 pages... BUT and this is a HUGE BUTT, Hyde committed a cardinal sin -- in my book anyway -- but throwing out a herring, but not a red one. This was a huge, stinking, rotting fish that was never buried by the end of the book. About HALFWAY through the book, one of the detectives lists a summary of the 'evidence' they had to that point. There were about 8 things on the list and ONE of them was pretty big. And for the next 200 pages, I was thinking about how it could be explained and it never was. It wasn't just a little thing like a hair or something, it was a HUGE piece of evidence that was never dealt with and it ruined the book for me.

So... I would recommend Elizabeth's writing style and even the plot of this book, but if you are a diligent whodunnit reader, you'll be let down by this piece of trickery -- which I don't know whether it is an oversight by the author, a mess of editing, or a deliberate herring -- that really shreds an otherwise great book.

As soon as I finished the book, I went online and attempted to find Elizabeth Hyde's email address or any kind of contact info so I could send her a message and ask her just what she thought she was doing. But it was not to be found. If anyone knows her, tell her to wrap up all the details in the next one please.


Paul Stone
Kingsville, ON, Canada

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