[lit-ideas] Re: Tipping Point of Truth

  • From: Robert Paul <robert.paul@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 14:41:35 -0800

Lawrence Helm wrote:

As the evidence from the Saddam tapes and corroborating witnesses such as General Sada mount, many of us are asking the question, when will the Major Media acknowledge this new evidence? I’ve also wondered why the administration hasn’t acknowledged this evidence supporting their earlier beliefs. I had begun to wonder whether the Republicans were waiting until some crucial point prior to the 2006 elections to hammer the democrats with this stuff, but Cucullu has a different idea.

[Then, quoting]

When will honest journalists in the print and TV media – there must be some out there –bow under the weight of this mounting evidence and concede their errors? We have passed the tipping point in the weight of evidence that vindicates the allegations of al Qaeda ties, WMD, and hostile intentions. Continued denial of the truth is unacceptable.

You believe in a vast, 'mainstream media' conspiracy, Lawrence, while
damning the rest of us as 'conspiracy theorists.' The article you posted
for us, one paragraph of which I've reproduced above, nowhere answers
the questions you raise, viz., why hasn't the Administration made hay out of these new discoveries? There are two plausible answers. The
Administration isn't as credulous as are Right Wing bloggers; and, if
some of the material in the tapes turns out to be credible this would
reveal that the Administration went to war in ignorance.

While implicitly condemning the 'Major Media,' you accept without question, apparently, the writings of Larry Elder. There would seem to me to be at least one significant difference between Elder (whom I'm using only as an example) and The New Yorker (which I'm using only as an example). The New Yorker has and uses fact checkers; Larry Elder does not. I say 'there would seem' to be this difference: I have no doubt that Larry Elder has, as all those who make a living expressing their views in public have, someone who checks his claims from a legal point of view.

It's strange to me that someone of your analytic powers and concern for
sound reasoning would fail to see that the difficulty I posed to you last night hasn't been resolved:

You cannot believe both that the CIA dramatically failed and that Bush told the truth.

Robert Paul
The Reed Institute
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