[lit-ideas] Theatre of the Absurd -- a work in progress

  • From: "Mike Geary" <atlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 20:55:14 -0500


Act I
Scene 1
The caveman returns home. His wife says, "Where's the beef? He says, "I just couldn't bring myself to kill those precious little creatures. They're so adorable." The wife whacks off his head (never having found him adorable in the least) and the family eats for two weeks, maybe three without his gluttonous haveatitness. [Lights down]

Scene 2
So who survived from those days? Guys who didn't mind killing adorable, precious little creatures, that's who. And why did they not mind that? Because the womenfolk loved guys like that, guys who brought home the bacon and kept their precious little feelings to themselves and for whom they eagerly spread their thighs. And who can argue with that? Certainly not Evolution which just does what it must. Glory be to what must be! [Curtain]

Act II

Scene 1
It's 2002 -- some million years later. The alpha of alpha males returns to his house after clearing brush for half an hour on his ranch. "Honey, I'm home," he announces, expecting some kind of obeisance. Laurilai, his wife, sighs. If only she'd married someone with more feeling. [Lights down]

Scene 2
Alpha, the alpha male, decides it's time to clear brush in Iraq, though the rest of the world says, "No, first clean up your own ranch." But he'd need a whole goddamn army to do that and all he had was half an army thanks to Rumbum, so he sent them all to Iraq to clear their brush because he really, really, really hated brush.

not yet complete -- can't decide if this is going to turn out to be a tragedy or a black comedy.

Mike Geary

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