[lit-ideas] Re: The Soldiier as Sacrificial Victim

  • From: Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 15:53:13 -0400

What an astonishing incongruity between the joyful, optimistic song that emboldened men to become soldiers and the nauseating results of battle. How sad to know how societies play upon the idealism and good will of young men in order to send them "over there," where they may become sacrificial victims.


You forgot to mention corpse gas. Soldiers slogging through the mud, their boots crunching through the decaying bodies of fallen soldiers hidden in the mud, releasing the gases of decomposition. Corpse gas.

Imagine a setting where soldiers are sent to battle with depressing and dispiriting songs like this, to the music of "Over There."

You're gonna die.
Quickly die.
It's absurd. In a Word.
You're gonna die.
The Dupes are coming.
The Dupes are coming.
Und Sie werden nicht hinter dann es ueber... (little identification with the enemy language just to further demoralize)


The incongruity between joyful songs and battlefield horror is only astonishing to someone incapable of understanding the need for hope and good morale.

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