[lit-ideas] Re: Sunday Poem, with a daughter currently visiting Israel

  • From: David Ritchie <ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2009 23:56:02 -0800

here's an experience
i was having an evening beer and listening to beethoven a deutsche gramaphone recording
i put the beer down on a table i made from the trunk of a birch
which table is one of my proudest pieces of work
simply because i am just not that good with wood
i call it a t table because i chainsawed into the top a letter t and filled this with semi-precious stones
i like to stroke the top when i'm reading
this is a family trait
so anyway i looked carefully where i was putting that beer down
as one does
glasses have been seen to slide from some of the bumpier parts of this surface
i noticed a new round hole where no round hole had been before and in said tunnel there was a head peering
up me in an insecty manner as if to say well
what are you going to do about me having had some of your table for lunch

i called out to the household
bring me a slim sharp knife quickly with which i can inflict some destruction and when it came i foolishly plunged that same sharp knife into the beast's head
slicing it in half
thus diminishing its capacity for harm then
filled the hole with rubbing alcohol
sealed it up with glue and cork
and prayed to all the wood spirits i could think of that that beast had mostly been male
or infertile
hoped as i hopped about the room wailing like an ahab
praying that said ex-termite were a waif or stray blown out of place
on the westerly wind
while the cats were being let in

like you or anyone i sensible i want no harm to come to anyone or thing
but i really don't want to have to tent or bomb our house
when push comes to shove i am committed to a specist view that
humans must have some priority everywhere
on this particular bus

David Ritchie,
Portland, Oregon

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