[lit-ideas] Re: Man of Action

  • From: David Ritchie <ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 09:35:06 -0700

You've heard me on the subject of prepositions: people of color, fish of stripes, men of bagpipes. Until last night I forgot that I was a member of one of these classes of people: man of action. I made the mistake of looking at e bay, something I haven't done in quite a bit of time. Typing "tree calf leather in," I arrived at "Men of action," which apparently was a series of books that appealed to Edwardians and even people after the First World War, when you might have thought that people had seen action enough. I suppose the original title, "The Boys' Big Book of Jobbing Empire Builders," didn't pass the editorial committee. (You don't have "jobbing" builders here; http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23422894- how-big-labour-backer-is-a-jobbing-builder-who-knows-nothing-about- his-200000-donation.do;jsessionid=2008857E49F428606D2BA77EDF791E16) Fortunately, though I put in an offer, my level of spend was insufficient; I was outbid.

My level of what? http://www.selfbuildit.co.uk/ selfbuild_building_materials.htm

"The lack of knowledge of the self builder"...is a factor which affects the cost of building materials. I think the self-builder should either take up preposition scattering, a different kind of hobby altogether, or become a man of action. I'd suggest he start lobbying the Labour party on behalf of those who haven't built themselves proper, qualified selves, but I'm currently too distracted by an image from the following story:

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/3203517/Jobbing-builder-lied-about- qualifications-to-secure-800000-worth-of-contracts.html

"...the septic tank was ruptured. Very shortly after the site was abandoned leaving them to pick up the pieces."

At that point more than one man of action would be needed.

Carry on.

David Ritchie,
Portland, Oregon
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  • » [lit-ideas] Re: Man of Action - David Ritchie