[lit-ideas] Iraqi problems caused by Iran (3)

  • From: "Lawrence Helm" <lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Lit-Ideas" <Lit-Ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2006 09:02:02 -0800

7. Providing arms and training to Iraqi insurgents.  Regular arms shipments
from Iran have reportedly provided anti-Coalition irregulars with an array
of weaponry, ranging from small arms to heavy artillery.  Iran's Pasdaran
has even gone as far as establishing training camps on the Iran-Iraq border
and teaching guerrilla warfare, explosives, and military techniques to
hundreds of young Iraqi radicals.


8. Mobilizing its terrorist surrogates to exploit the political vacuum of
Post-Saddam Iraq.  With Iran's blessing Hezbollah and Hamas have established
an extensive presence on the territory of the former Ba'athist regime, with
offices in urban centers like Nasariah, Basra, and Safwan, and are
recruiting Iraqi teenagers and young adults to their ranks.  In particular,
Hezbollah's infiltration has been so successful that the Lebanese Shi'ite
militia is said to have assumed police duties in some Iraqi cities.


9. The promotion of religious and national minorities.  Most directly, Iran
has provided political and financial backing to Iraq's Turkoman Shi'ites in
their struggle against the country's powerful Kurdish minority and supported
Kurdish groups (such as the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, headed by Jalal
Talibani) in their efforts to establish an autonomous state.  By February
2004, these activities had become so alarming that members of Iraq's
Governing Council warned publicly that 'some neighboring countries' were
encouraging 'sectarian sedition' in the country.



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  • » [lit-ideas] Iraqi problems caused by Iran (3)