[lit-ideas] Re: Institial Remark No.4

  • From: Donal McEvoy <donalmcevoyuk@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 23:04:53 +0000 (GMT)

--- On Tue, 22/7/08, Paul Stone <pastone@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Still, I'm not sure a list is a book.
This is perhaps unclear. But then consider a book explaining how to torture, 
abuse and kill other human beings. Is this a mere list? Is its redeeming 
feature that it is a book (and one of explanation)? 

But as to lists, recipe books are so-called when in many ways they are just 
lists of steps in cooking something and what about things like the Guinness 
Book of Hit Singles (a list of chart positions). And so on.

If you'd written 'Many books have redeeming qualities' this would not give rise 
to the kind of objection raised - but then this less sweeping statement doesn't 
have much air of interest. No doubt, much architecture, football, car-driving 
etc. has redeeming qualities.


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