[lit-ideas] Re: Ideas to think about (3)

  • From: "Andreas Ramos" <andreas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004 09:48:22 -0800

From: "John McCreery" <mccreery@xxxxxxx>

> Ideas to Think About (3): What Kind of People Are We?
> In developing the system of checks and balances built into the
> Constitution, the Founders created a mixed government whose goal was
> not to abolish social class but, instead, to achieve balance and
> harmony between them. Their pursuit of liberty was tempered by other
> values: order, stability, and virtue...

What can the US Constitution do about someone like James Baker?

- James Baker as US Secretary of State organized the international coalition
that carried out the first Iraqi war.
- Baker arranged the argument to the Supreme Court that inserted W. Bush
into the White House.
- Baker is negotiating on behalf of the White House to get other nations to
erase Iraq's $120 billion debt.
- Baker's law firm represents Halliburton, which was pretty much created by
Cheney, and in return, Halliburton hired him as CEO and gave him some $45
million. Of the $90 billion for Iraq, $11 billion alone goes to Halliburton.
During the embargo against Iraq, while Cheney was CEO, Halliburton carried
out deals with Saddam.
- On behalf of WTC victims, a group of lawyers are suing Saudi Arabia for
their key involvement in 9.11. The Saudi are defended by their lawyer: James
- When the passanger jets were slamming into the WTC, Baker was watching
with the bin Laden family at the Ritz-Carlton. Three days later, as the
entire US air travel system was shut down, the bin Laden clan was escorted
out of the US, and not even the FBI or CIA was allowed to question them.
But... at the time, nobody, not even the US government, knew that al Qaeda
was responsible for the attacks. The FBI and the CIA knew little about the
bin Laden family because they had been ordered to not investigate them.
- When the USA wanted Osama, they negotiated with the Taliban and made an
offer: surrender Osama and the Taliban will get an gas pipeline through a
deal arranged by Baker's law firm. Both Osama and Mullah Omar are untouched
by the US government.

What is the use of one-man-one-vote against that kind of reality? Baker's
deals are bigger and more powerful than both the GOP and the Democratic
party. W. Bush is just a handpuppet for Baker and Cheney. Not even Congress
itself has the power to orchestrate and direct strategy in the Middle East
in the way that Baker does. The Constitution and the United States of
America itself does not stand in the way of Baker and his associates.

There's your challenge for a discussion of democracy. What possible concept
of democracy can limit such vast amounts of money and power?


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