[lit-ideas] Guardian Unlimited: Lebanon is made to pay

  • From: omarkusto@xxxxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 14:26:14 GMT

Omar spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Lebanon is made to pay
Israel, the US and key Arab regimes are now determined to crush the widely 
popular Hizbullah
Charles Harb
Monday July 17 2006
The Guardian

The story reported in much of the western media in the past few days has 
painted a straightforward picture: Hizbullah's militants suddenly decided to 
launch an attack against Israel, killed some of its soldiers, kidnapped two, 
and has bombed Israeli cities. Israel, acting on its right to self-defence, 
retaliated by bombing the "infrastructure of terror" in Lebanon. The crisis 
will end when Israel's terms are implemented: the kidnapped soldiers are 
returned, Hizbullah is disarmed, and the Lebanese army protects Israel's 
northern border. This narrative borders on the dangerously naive.

Since Israel's 1996 massacre of Lebanese refugees at Qana in Lebanon, and the 
end of the 22-year Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon in 2000, an agreement 
between the various parties - sponsored by France, the US, and the UN - has 
reflected the "balance of terror": Israel would refrain from bombing Lebanese 
civilian structures, and Hizbullah would not bomb civilian structures in 
northern Israel.

Although several military operations by the Israelis and by Hizbullah have 
occurred since 2000, neither side has violated this understanding. In 2004, 
Hizbullah secured the release of some prisoners held captive in Israeli jails 
in an exchange with Israel. And Hizbullah's military operation last week falls 
squarely within that framework.

Israel's immediate reaction broke the established rules of the game by bombing 
civilian structures across Lebanon, imposing a land, air and sea blockade, 
terrorising the population, and killing more than 100 civilians in a 
disproportionate display of power not seen since 1982. Hizbullah then 
retaliated by bombing northern Israel, in line with the "balance of terror" 
equations, and the escalation of the conflict has spiralled.

Israel's significant policy shift is linked to domestic politics, psychological 
factors and power plays. The wider geostrategic implications are more important 
then the operational details. For the first time in recent history, Saudi 
Arabian, Egyptian, Jordanian, Israeli and US interests now converge in an 
implicit alliance to quell Hizbullah. Reactions by these states in the past few 
days have been strongly indicative of such a stance, from the Saudi statement 
implicitly condemning Hizbullah, to the US president's explicit refusal to 
"rein in" Israel.

US rhetoric last year about spreading "democracy and freedom" in the Middle 
East was ended when the administration realised that the outcome might lead to 
governments more in tune with national interests than American ones. The 
complacent reaction by US (and, to some extent, European) officials to the 
widespread election fraud and repression in Egypt as well as the open war on 
the democratically elected Palestinian government reflect this change. The 
question is increasingly whether entire populations are being punished for 
making the "wrong" democratic choices.

The Islamic-led resistance movements are now the only credible forces resisting 
the US occupation forces in Iraq, the Israeli occupation forces in Palestine, 
and the dictatorial regimes in the Middle East. They have come of age, and are 
ready to fill the void left by Arab nationalists of the 1950s and 1960s. 
Attempts to divide the movement along sectarian and geographic lines have been 
given significant airtime in the media, but do not seem to fully reflect the 
reality on the ground. The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and Hizbullah are far from 
being the fanatics some in the west would like to believe they are. They have 
displayed an increasingly complex and pragmatic discourse, moderated over time 
and appealing to wider sections of Arab public opinion.

Hizbullah is at a crossroads. It faces a massive Israeli onslaught, hostile 
international media and Arab regimes, and a potentially hostile Lebanese 
government. On the other hand, it has broad support among the Arab population 
across the region. As one Lebanese analyst argued, Hizbullah's leader, Hassan 
Nasrallah, will either come out of this a hero the like of which the Arab world 
hasn't seen since Nasser or he will have to step down.

What is happening in Lebanon is a tragedy for a people who have been made to 
suffer a great deal in the past three decades. A tiny country with a war-weary 
population and great pride is being made to pay once more for the incompetence 
of Arab rulers, the arrogance of a superpower and the self-righteousness of the 
Israeli state.

· Professor Charles Harb teaches social psychology at the American 
University of Beirut


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