[lit-ideas] Going on (or Not) (was: Palma's intolerable sufferings and other tropics)

  • From: phatic <phatic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Lit Ideas <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 02 May 2017 18:30:17 +0200

Dear Sirs (and potentialy Madams),

A professor of philosophy who want to close down the humanities? Is that a not very charming attempt at provocation (in the vein of the once celebrated coloumnist in the Durban-based morning paper Mercury who went by the name of _Agent Provocateur_)?

If it is so that Monseiur Palma is opposed to Humanities as Science in particular he would be well informed to know that the head of the School of Post-Graduate Studies at the University of kwaZulu/Natal some years ago, Professor Johan Jacobs, was a staunch champion of precisely this concept. As a representative of a younger generation Palma places himself -- as would be expected -- in opposition to Jacobs'. Cute.

When it comes to various left-leaning academics' random views on political matters in a country where they were neither born nor have any present residence, should we not compare this to Palma's great un-akcnowledged philosophic mentor's random views on an ethnic group to which he himself didn't belong? The idea of establishing an egalitarian polity without religion is otherwise hardly new in the political circles where Palma, Chomsky and their freidns move.

Lastly, when it comes to science an its economy, Bernard Maris, who was murdered in the attack on the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, proposed that Michel Houellebecq is a far more intelligent speaker on these matters than any disciplined economist every were (perhaps with the exception of Keynes). The day of Maris' murder, Charlie Hebdo had a drawing of precisely Houellebecq on its cover. And matters aren't made any less curious by the fact that Houellebecq's recent _Soumission_ was released on the exact day of the attack.

Be that as it May (successfully divorsed from Europe or Not), Maris -- himself educated as economist -- claims his discipline to be "not only a vague ideology, but a precise, evil, damaging ideology that is even worse that religions were." Ideology today doesn't belong either to the left or the right: it belongs to the economists, which is to say economic neo-liberalism, and if it is one thing Houellebecq closes his mind to it is liberalism -- an ideology of free individuals where everybody fights everybody else, where there is no society, no community. No love. No benevolence.

Maris: "There is no economic science; what exists is the suffering that is hidden behind the supply, the demand, in other words the poetry and compassion that is persistently trampled down by the iron heel of the market."


-- If thinking is what distinguishes man's
nature, then surely the essence of this nature, namely the
nature of thinking, can be seen only by looking away
from thinking. (Martin Heidegger) --
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  • » [lit-ideas] Going on (or Not) (was: Palma's intolerable sufferings and other tropics) - phatic