[lit-ideas] Re: Disenchantment of the World and Liberal Democracy

  • From: "Phil Enns" <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 14:14:11 -0400

Lawrence Helm wrote:

"Gauchet is not a Christian but he understands Liberal Democracy to have
arisen out of Christianity.  It could not have arisen in any other way, but
now that it has arisen, we can do without Christianity if we choose to."

Gauchet's position is a bit more nuanced than the above might suggest.
Gauchet is honest enough of an Hegelian to acknowledge that, in true
dialectical form, while religion has been overcome by science, the role
religion played in people's lives can't be dismissed.  What was formerly
accomplished by religion has to be taken up in our post-religious world, but
Gauchet admits that he can't yet see the historical form this aufhebung will

And surely this modesty is also helpful when reflecting on the world,
whether one is in Jena or the U.S.  Perhaps we are not best served by
adopting a politics of identity (i.e. West, Left, Neo-cons) but rather a
ship of state model that sees us adjusting to the winds that are blowing.


Phil Enns
Toronto, ON

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