[lit-ideas] Re: Climate

  • From: Julie Krueger <juliereneb@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 12:45:20 -0500


Have you seen a film called "Corporations"?  Look it up on Netflix...

Julie Krueger

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Andy <mimi.erva@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I guess at some point it becomes bellyaching.  There's nothing any
> individual or even group of individuals can do against corporate interests.
> Lighter fare for next time...
>  Why is it not possible to tell people, look, this is the situation.  If
> we keep going in this direction, we're going to wind up here.  And this is
> what here looks like.  And people will say, oh, that's a bad place to wind
> up.  Let's change.  Instead, they have to be cajoled and persuaded, and
> entertained while being cajoled and persuaded, and finally, when it's too
> late, they take action.  As Churchill famously observed, Americans will
> always do the right thing, but only after all other options are exhausted.
> It's not just Americans, it's all people.  I'm reading a book on the global
> water situation, and India has an estimated 20 years of water left.  They
> know it, and the response is, well if we don't make money wasting this water
> now somebody else will.  In the U.S. the Republicans have created the tea
> party and convinced the poor saps that they need to eviscerate the EPA so
> the Koch Brothers and whoever can pollute with impunity.  In the meantime,
> Texas hasn't had any rain to speak of since October, and the oil industry
> wants to run an oil pipeline over the Ogalala aquifer no less (the
> pipeline won't leak, no, never).  And with all of that, nobody believes in
> climate change, as if data were a matter of belief.  Jared Diamond of course
> chronicles the so called reasoning that goes into humanity's so called
> thought processes.  I thought this link was interesting.
> http://wwwp.dailyclimate.org/tdc-newsroom/2011/09/al-gore-is-back

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