[lit-ideas] Re: Checking out the British Empire

  • From: "Andreas Ramos" <andreas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 00:30:33 -0800

From: "Lawrence Helm" <lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Here in modern day America, the anti-military people might describe us military types as being on welfare rather than serving any useful purpose, but consider the treatment of the ordinary "Tommy" during the time when the sun never set, etc., etc.,

I pay taxes (and quite a few taxes) that goes to pay for the military. I don't like it, but I pay it.

That puts me in stark contrast to Bush/Cheney, who privatized Walter Reed Hospital in order to hand $120 million to Al Neffgen (the former COO of Halliburton and Cheney's buddy) who immediately made a $40 million profit by cutting services for wounded US soliders by firing the staff and putting the soldiers in vermin-infested rotting buildings. That's how Bush/Cheney "support the troops."

Now you pick, Lawrence. Which one of us is the anti-military type? Me or Bush/Cheney? Go ahead. You tell me.

Why did Lawrence launch this tirade against "leftists"? It's not the 1st or the 15th, so he didn't get his pension checks which cause his feelings of guilt and remorse.

What else could it be?

Ah, the Libby conviction. Finally, we see that it really was true: Cheney manufactured fake evidence in order to start a war, and used illegal methods to destroy opponents of the war. The wingnuts need to distract attention from this. So, attack the leftists.

Libby's conviction may bring down Cheney. Cheney is the unindicted co-conspirator: Libby has been found guilty in court of criminal acts and Cheney can be indicted and convicted on the same charges. Cheney stands at risk of being indicted at any moment. If indicted, he will have to resign.

This cuts his power drastically because opponents will use the threat of jail 
for leverage.

We are in the end game of the Bush debacle.

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