[lit-ideas] Re: Argumentum Ornithologicum

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 17:27:23 EDT

In a message dated 7/2/2009 5:17:43 P.M. Eastern  Daylight Time,
rpaul@xxxxxxxx writes:
There is no indefinite number of  countable things. 'I'm not sure how
many birds I saw,' does not entail 'The  birds in that particular
space-time slice could never be counted.' Counting  is a mostly human
activity. Birds and numbers are what they are  independently of this.


I see.

Yes, the example is  confusing because he _was_ blind, so what is he
talking about "I saw". I mean,  visible things are difficult enough to have to
dwell on a blind man's vivid  imagination.

So suppose Trogge sees a flock of seagulls (he lives in  Hamburg). He
actually _heard_ them, too. They were _laughing_  sea-gulls:

ha  ha   hahha    haa   haa hha

He reasoned:

"I  saw, let's say, no more than ten, and more than one or two -- but which
number,  _escapes_ me". Surely we would feel affronted if he were to
conclude from that  that God _exists_. I would take that with Geary as yet 
proof that Geary  does NOT exist.

J. L. Speranza
Buenos Aires,  Argentina

----- How _long_ can finishing a novel take? I keep calling him  names and
to no effect. Shouldn't he published it -- and in lit-ideas -- as it  is

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