[lit-ideas] Re: Africa and The New U.S. Imperial Grand Strategy

  • From: Donal McEvoy <donalmcevoyuk@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 13:34:59 +0100 (BST)

I was disappointed to find this post shares with some of my recent posts the
ignominy of being completely ignored. Having thought long and hard about how
I might make my posts more enticing, I thought I might offer you the fruits
of my reflections. In this case, for example, I would re-title the thread -
say, "Full-on African Invasion - The New U.S. KKK Imperial Grand Wizard
Strategy", and then perhaps explain why the Grand Wizard has moved from being
a staunch isolationist to a staunch interventionist.

As to some of the details of your argument: 

--- Omar Kusturica <omarkusto@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Imperialism is constant for capitalism.

I would source this "constant" to the relevant maths, physics or other
textbook in order to avoid any impression that it is just high-handed
pretentious drivel.

> But it passes
> through various phases as the system evolves. 

Beautifully put. After all, everything that evolves "passes through various
stages", n'est ce pas? This thought seems to me a twin of your own. We can
both surely and equally claim independence and originality.

> present the world is experiencing a new age of
> imperialism marked by a U.S. grand strategy of global
> domination. 

Link this to spy novels, conspiracy theories, james bond movies; it is, of
course, all-too-plausible and needs no further substantation. And hey, wasn't
"global domination" always the Yank's "grand strategy"? Yeh, tell me about

>One indication of how things have changed
> is that the U.S. military is now truly global in its
> operations with permanent bases on every continent,
> including Africa, where a new scramble for control is
> taking place focused on oil.
Absolutely. A friend of mine has family members who, taken together, have
"permanent bases on every continent". In fact so do some microbes, such as
the ones I sometimes sneeze. Only now have I truly seen and been shocked and
awed that this means they are all "truly global in their operations". It's

Standing on the coat-tails of giants

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