[lit-ideas] ABC 9/11 drama

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 00:50:01 -0400

Saw the first part. It seemed fairly accurate, based on what I have read. Clinton is just Clinton in it, so I can see why he'd be upset about the drama. The show credits individuals who exceeded their authority in order to make (or try to make) things work.

They also spared some reputations. (They showed the border guard stopping the millennium bomber, for example, but did not show Richard Clarke's lying attempting to take credit for his capture.)

If they use the same approach tomorrow to the Bush administration team -- who you'll remember had an exceedingly difficult transition -- neither party should have much to complain about. It should make us happy that some of the intelligence reforms have been enacted.

I'm so glad they are focusing on John O'Neil (Harvey Keitel). He struggled long and hard against the bureaucrats, warning against another attack on the Towers even the night before 9/11, only to die in the attack.

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