[lit-ideas] Re: 4 Authentic Heideggerian Poems

  • From: Robert Paul <rpaul@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 15:27:46 -0800

I was wondering if Ezra Pound

        ‘Seek ever to stand in the hard Sophoclean light…’

could beat up Richard Wilbur

‘Oh, let there be nothing on
earth but laundry…’

he asks

'Dad, could you beat up a gorilla?'
        Maybe, if I
took it by surprise
got myself back in my old shape
used the jujutsu of reason
and flipped him
when he came at me shrieking
the illogical war cries of gorillas
        or if he wasn’t in top form
that day. You never know.

I remembered

             Que be-m vols mal.’

like a Kay Starr song from a jukebox
or the clicking from the rails
as you play chess on a tin board
with magnetic pieces
magnetized kings magnetized bishops

que be-m vols mal que be-m vols mal
que be-m vols mal

through dark Nebraska

going there


Robert Paul
(in celebration of Mike Geary,
and of having the backed-up files
from a crashed hard drive restored
like youth from a fountain)
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