[Linux-Discussion] Re: Licq hits v1.0! (Review?)

  • From: "Brian L. Johnson" <blj8@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: linux-discussion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 00:55:40 -0600 (MDT)

On Oct 11, John Madden wrote to linux-discussion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

>I've been using Licq, probably the most feature-complete ICQ clone 
>available for Linux for about a year and a half now.  I've gotten to see 
>it go from something that was ugly and barely functional to a 
>feature-complete product that actually offers some stuff the windows 
>client from Mirabilis doesn't (like speed and stability!).  

Only thing is, Licq hasn't worked well at all for me ever since I got
DSL... It keeps constantly going on and offline, and many times I can't
sign on at all.

Reason is, is my network setup. I use NAT in the DSL router, and my
computer is set to use the static IP internally. The router
translates packets from the outside IP to and back.

Well, that works ok for everything else, but Licq. Licq thinks it's IP
is, and then the server says "no it's not, go away" and Licq
gets kicked off by the server.

A couple things of note - This happens with every ICQ client I try, not
just Licq... gtkicq, gnomeicu, kicq, and even Windows ICQ (on WINE) all
get constantly kicked... Also, I do this NAT thing cause I just can't
seem to get DHCP working here... Now when I drop eth0 and dial up, this
doesn't happen, cause then my computer is on a real IP. But of course,
there's no way I'm dropping DSL just for ICQ...

Any ideas on how I can get this solved? Some way to fool ICQ into
thinking that it's IP is the outside IP?

  -=Brian L. Johnson,  blj8.com=-
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