[linux-cirrus] Re: EP9312 internal ROM

  • From: Eric BENARD / Free <ebenard@xxxxxxx>
  • To: linux-cirrus@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 08 May 2005 19:36:53 +0200

David Collier wrote:
> thanks you... now all I need to do is work out how to read ARM assembler 
> :-)
you will find attached a start of explanation (quick and dirty, sorry).
I didn't dig futher in the serial loader functions & in the function
which are looking for CRUS on SPI & flash CS as I just wanted to see
which registers the bootrom was changing.

-- Attached file included as plaintext by Ecartis --
-- File: ep9312_bootloader.txt

0x80090000:     mov     r3, #-2147483648        ; 0x80000000
0x80090004:     mov     r4, #589824     ; 0x90000
0x80090008:     orr     r3, r3, r4
0x8009000c:     orr     r3, r3, #24     ; 0x18
0x80090010:     nop                     (mov r0,r0)
0x80090014:     mov     pc, r3

=> pc < 80090018

0x80090018:     nop                     (mov r0,r0)
0x8009001c:     ldr     r0, [pc, #176]  ; 0x800900d4
0x80090020:     mov     r1, #2  ; 0x2
0x80090024:     str     r1, [r0]

=> 0x80840020 (PEDR) = 0x02 => LED

0x80090028:     ldr     r0, [pc, #152]  ; 0x800900c8
0x8009002c:     ldr     r1, [pc, #152]  ; 0x800900cc
0x80090030:     str     r1, [r0]

=> 0x80940000 (Watchdog timer Register) = 0xaa55

0x80090034:     bl      0x80090984

0x80090038:     nop                     (mov r0,r0)
0x8009003c:     bl      0x800909dc

=> Initialize SMC

0x80090040:     bl      0x80090828

=> Initialize SDRAM

0x80090044:     mov     r2, #0  ; 0x0
0x80090048:     mov     r0, #-2147483648        ; 0x80000000
0x8009004c:     mov     r1, #9633792    ; 0x930000
0x80090050:     orr     r0, r0, r1

r0 < 0x80930000

0x80090054:     str     r2, [r0, #88]

0x80930058 < 0x00 => BootMode Clear Register.

0x80090058:     ldr     r0, [pc, #116]  ; 0x800900d4

r0 < 0x80840020

0x8009005c:     mov     r1, #1  ; 0x1
0x80090060:     str     r1, [r0]

0x80840020 < 0x1 => PEDR = 0x1 => LED

0x80090064:     ldr     r0, [pc, #100]  ; 0x800900d0

r0 < 0x8093009c

0x80090068:     ldr     r1, [r0]

r1 < SysCFG

0x8009006c:     tst     r1, #256        ; 0x100

0x80090070:     bne     0x80090214

if SERIAL BOOT => goto 0x80090214
else (if NORMAL BOOT)

0x80090074:     bl      0x80090a4c
0x80090078:     bl      0x800900e8
0x8009007c:     bl      0x80090168
0x80090080:     nop                     (mov r0,r0)
0x80090084:     ldr     r0, [pc, #72]   ; 0x800900d4
0x80090088:     mov     r1, #2  ; 0x2
0x8009008c:     str     r1, [r0]
0x80090090:     mov     r3, #8192       ; 0x2000
0x80090094:     nop                     (mov r0,r0)
0x80090098:     nop                     (mov r0,r0)
0x8009009c:     nop                     (mov r0,r0)
0x800900a0:     nop                     (mov r0,r0)
0x800900a4:     nop                     (mov r0,r0)
0x800900a8:     ldr     r0, [pc, #36]   ; 0x800900d4
0x800900ac:     ldr     r1, [r0]
0x800900b0:     eor     r1, r1, #2      ; 0x2
0x800900b4:     str     r1, [r0]
0x800900b8:     subs    r3, r3, #1      ; 0x1
0x800900bc:     bne     0x800900b8
0x800900c0:     b       0x80090090
0x800900c4:     andhi   r4, r1, r0
0x800900c8:     addhis  r0, r4, r0
0x800900cc:     andeq   r10, r0, r5, asr r10
0x800900d0:     umullhis        r0, r3, r12, r0
0x800900d4:     addhi   r0, r4, r0, lsr #32
0x800900d8:     addhi   r0, r4, r0
0x800900dc:     andeq   r5, r0, r0, asr #27
0x800900e0:     andeq   r2, r0, r0, ror #29
0x800900e4:     andeq   r1, r0, r0, ror r7

*** Normal boot 2
0x800900e8:     ldr     r0, [pc, #88]   ; 0x80090148
0x800900ec:     ldr     r1, [pc, #2956] ; 0x80090c80
0x800900f0:     ldr     r2, [pc, #2956] ; 0x80090c84
0x800900f4:     ldr     r3, [pc, #72]   ; 0x80090144

r0 < 0x7
r1 < CRUS
r2 < SURC
r3 < 0x8009014c

0x800900f8:     ldr     r4, [r3], #4
0x800900fc:     ldr     r5, [r4]
0x80090100:     cmp     r1, r5
0x80090104:     beq     0x80090134
0x80090108:     cmp     r2, r5
0x8009010c:     beq     0x80090138
0x80090110:     add     r4, r4, #4096   ; 0x1000
0x80090114:     ldr     r5, [r4]
0x80090118:     cmp     r1, r5
0x8009011c:     beq     0x8009013c
0x80090120:     cmp     r2, r5
0x80090124:     beq     0x80090140
0x80090128:     subs    r0, r0, #1      ; 0x1
0x8009012c:     bne     0x800900f8
0x80090130:     mov     pc, lr
0x80090134:     add     pc, r4, #4      ; 0x4
0x80090138:     add     pc, r4, #4      ; 0x4
0x8009013c:     sub     pc, r4, #4096   ; 0x1000
0x80090140:     sub     pc, r4, #4096   ; 0x1000
0x80090144:     andhi   r0, r9, r12, asr #2
0x80090148:     andeq   r0, r0, r7
0x8009014c:     andne   r0, r0, r0
0x80090150:     andcs   r0, r0, r0
0x80090154:     andcc   r0, r0, r0
0x80090158:     andvs   r0, r0, r0
0x8009015c:     andvc   r0, r0, r0
0x80090160:     andgt   r0, r0, r0
0x80090164:     andnv   r0, r0, r0
0x80090168:     ldr     r0, [pc, #80]   ; 0x800901c0
0x8009016c:     ldr     r3, [pc, #68]   ; 0x800901b8
0x80090170:     ldr     r5, [pc, #64]   ; 0x800901b8

r0 < 0x1a2b3c4d
r3 < 0
r5 < 0

0x80090174:     str     r0, [r3]
0x80090178:     ldr     r2, [r3]
0x8009017c:     cmp     r0, r2
0x80090180:     beq     0x8009018c
0x80090184:     ldr     r3, [pc, #48]   ; 0x800901bc
0x80090188:     ldr     r5, [pc, #44]   ; 0x800901bc
0x8009018c:     ldr     r0, [pc, #28]   ; 0x800901b0
0x80090190:     ldr     r1, [pc, #28]   ; 0x800901b4

r3 < 0x80014000
r5 < 0x80014000
r0 < 0x800901c4
r1 < 0x80090210
0x80090194:     sub     r2, r1, r0
0x80090198:     mov     r2, r2, lsr #2
0x8009019c:     ldr     r4, [r0], #4
0x800901a0:     str     r4, [r3], #4
0x800901a4:     subs    r2, r2, #1      ; 0x1
0x800901a8:     bne     0x8009019c
0x800901ac:     mov     pc, r5
0x800901b0:     andhi   r0, r9, r4, asr #3
0x800901b4:     andhi   r0, r9, r0, lsl r2
0x800901b8:     andeq   r0, r0, r0
0x800901bc:     andhi   r4, r1, r0
0x800901c0:     bne     0x80b5f2fc
0x800901c4:     b       0x800901e8
0x800901c8:     b       0x800901e8
0x800901cc:     b       0x800901cc
0x800901d0:     b       0x800901d0
0x800901d4:     b       0x800901d4
0x800901d8:     b       0x800901d8
0x800901dc:     b       0x800901dc
0x800901e0:     b       0x800901e0
0x800901e4:     nop                     (mov r0,r0)
0x800901e8:     mov     r0, #-2147483648        ; 0x80000000
0x800901ec:     mov     r1, #8650752    ; 0x840000
0x800901f0:     orr     r0, r0, r1

r0 < 0x80840000
0x800901f4:     mov     r1, #1  ; 0x1
0x800901f8:     mov     r2, #65536      ; 0x10000
0x800901fc:     str     r1, [r0, #32]

0x80840020 < 0x1   PEDR => LED

0x80090200:     subs    r2, r2, #1      ; 0x1
0x80090204:     bne     0x80090200
0x80090208:     eor     r1, r1, #1      ; 0x1
0x8009020c:     b       0x800901f8

==> blink green led if all boot options failed.

0x80090210:     andeq   r0, r0, r0

*** start of SERIAL BOOT
0x80090214:     ldr     r12, [pc, #352] ; 0x8009037c

r12 < 0x808c0000

0x80090218:     mov     r1, #0  ; 0x0
0x8009021c:     str     r1, [r12, #4]

0x808c0004 < 0x00 => 

0x80090220:     str     r1, [r12, #12]
0x80090224:     mov     r1, #46 ; 0x2e
0x80090228:     str     r1, [r12, #16]
0x8009022c:     mov     r1, #96 ; 0x60
0x80090230:     str     r1, [r12, #8]
0x80090234:     mov     r1, #3  ; 0x3
0x80090238:     str     r1, [r12, #256]
0x8009023c:     mov     r1, #1  ; 0x1
0x80090240:     str     r1, [r12, #20]
0x80090244:     mov     r0, #60 ; 0x3c
0x80090248:     strb    r0, [r12]
0x8009024c:     mov     r3, #2048       ; 0x800
0x80090250:     ldr     r2, [pc, #-404] ; 0x800900c4

r2 < 0x80140000 (MACFIFO SRAM)

0x80090254:     ldr     r11, [pc, #-392]        ; 0x800900d4

r11 < 0x80840020 (PEDR) => LED

0x80090258:     mov     r10, #1 ; 0x1
0x8009025c:     str     r10, [r11]
0x80090260:     mov     r5, #0  ; 0x0
0x80090264:     mov     r4, #0  ; 0x0
0x80090268:     mov     r9, #8  ; 0x8
0x8009026c:     ldr     r1, [r12, #24]
0x80090270:     tst     r1, #16 ; 0x10
0x80090274:     bne     0x8009026c
0x80090278:     ldrb    r0, [r12]
0x8009027c:     and     r6, r5, #3      ; 0x3
0x80090280:     mul     r7, r6, r9
0x80090284:     mov     r8, r0, lsl r7
0x80090288:     orr     r4, r4, r8
0x8009028c:     add     r5, r5, #1      ; 0x1
0x80090290:     ldr     r1, [r12, #24]
0x80090294:     tst     r1, #16 ; 0x10
0x80090298:     bne     0x80090290
0x8009029c:     ldrb    r0, [r12]
0x800902a0:     and     r6, r5, #3      ; 0x3
0x800902a4:     mul     r7, r6, r9
0x800902a8:     mov     r8, r0, lsl r7
0x800902ac:     orr     r4, r4, r8
0x800902b0:     cmp     r6, #3  ; 0x3
0x800902b4:     add     r5, r5, #1      ; 0x1
0x800902b8:     bne     0x80090290
0x800902bc:     str     r4, [r2], #4
0x800902c0:     ldr     r10, [r11]
0x800902c4:     eor     r10, r10, #1    ; 0x1
0x800902c8:     str     r10, [r11]
0x800902cc:     cmp     r3, #2048       ; 0x800
0x800902d0:     beq     0x800902ec
0x800902d4:     mov     r4, #0  ; 0x0
0x800902d8:     subs    r3, r3, #4      ; 0x4
0x800902dc:     bne     0x80090290
0x800902e0:     mov     r0, #62 ; 0x3e
0x800902e4:     strb    r0, [r12]
0x800902e8:     ldr     pc, [pc, #-556] ; 0x800900c4

pc < 0x80014000 (MACFIFO SRAM)

0x800902ec:     ldr     r0, [pc, #140]  ; 0x80090380

r0 < UART

0x800902f0:     cmp     r0, r4
0x800902f4:     beq     0x80090308
0x800902f8:     ldr     r0, [pc, #132]  ; 0x80090384

r0< UANT

0x800902fc:     cmp     r0, r4
0x80090300:     beq     0x8009032c
0x80090304:     b       0x800902d4
0x80090308:     mov     r0, #0  ; 0x0
0x8009030c:     ldr     r1, [r12, #24]
0x80090310:     tst     r1, #128        ; 0x80
0x80090314:     beq     0x8009030c
0x80090318:     strb    r0, [r12]
0x8009031c:     add     r0, r0, #1      ; 0x1
0x80090320:     cmp     r0, #256        ; 0x100
0x80090324:     beq     0x80090308
0x80090328:     b       0x8009030c
0x8009032c:     ldr     r3, [pc, #52]   ; 0x80090368
0x80090330:     ldr     r4, [pc, #52]   ; 0x8009036c
0x80090334:     sub     r4, r4, r3
0x80090338:     ldr     r1, [r12, #24]
0x8009033c:     tst     r1, #128        ; 0x80
0x80090340:     beq     0x80090338
0x80090344:     ldrb    r5, [r3], #1
0x80090348:     strb    r5, [r12]
0x8009034c:     subs    r4, r4, #1      ; 0x1
0x80090350:     bne     0x80090338
0x80090354:     mov     r4, #65536      ; 0x10000
0x80090358:     subs    r4, r4, #1      ; 0x1
0x8009035c:     bne     0x80090358
0x80090360:     b       0x8009032c
0x80090364:     b       0x80090364

0x80090820:     beq     0x8089bca8
0x80090824:     andeq   r0, sp, sp, lsl #20

** start of SDRAM Initialization

0x80090828:     ldr     r1, [pc, #232]  ; 0x80090918

r1 < 0x00000bb8

0x8009082c:     subs    r1, r1, #1      ; 0x1
0x80090830:     bne     0x8009082c

loop 0xbb8 times

0x80090834:     ldr     r0, [pc, #-1900]        ; 0x800900d0

r0 < 0x8093009c

0x80090838:     ldr     r1, [r0]

r1 < SyscFG

0x8009083c:     and     r2, r1, #192    ; 0xc0
0x80090840:     cmp     r2, #192        ; 0xc0
0x80090844:     beq     0x80090860
0x80090848:     cmp     r2, #128        ; 0x80
0x8009084c:     beq     0x80090860

32 bits => goto 0x80090860

0x80090850:     ldr     r5, [pc, #256]  ; 0x80090958
0x80090854:     ldr     r8, [pc, #228]  ; 0x80090940
0x80090858:     str     r5, [r8]
0x8009085c:     b       0x8009086c

16 bits :
0x80060010 < 0x002a002c => SDRAMCfg0
goto 0x8009086c

0x80090860:     ldr     r5, [pc, #244]  ; 0x8009095c
0x80090864:     ldr     r8, [pc, #212]  ; 0x80090940
0x80090868:     str     r5, [r8]

32 bits :
0x80060010 < 0x002a0028 => SDRAMCfg0

0x8009086c:     ldr     r5, [pc, #220]  ; 0x80090950
0x80090870:     ldr     r8, [pc, #212]  ; 0x8009094c
0x80090874:     str     r5, [r8]

0x8006001c < 0x01220028 => SDRAMCfg3

0x80090878:     ldr     r1, [pc, #152]  ; 0x80090918
0x8009087c:     subs    r1, r1, #1      ; 0x1
0x80090880:     bne     0x8009087c

loop 0xbb8 times

0x80090884:     ldr     r8, [pc, #148]  ; 0x80090920
0x80090888:     ldr     r5, [pc, #160]  ; 0x80090930
0x8009088c:     str     r5, [r8]

0x80060004 < 0x80000003 => INIT

0x80090890:     ldr     r1, [pc, #132]  ; 0x8009091c
0x80090894:     subs    r1, r1, #1      ; 0x1
0x80090898:     bne     0x80090894

loop 0x1770 times

0x8009089c:     ldr     r8, [pc, #124]  ; 0x80090920
0x800908a0:     ldr     r5, [pc, #128]  ; 0x80090928
0x800908a4:     str     r5, [r8]

0x80060004 < 0x80000001 => Precharge ALL

0x800908a8:     ldr     r8, [pc, #132]  ; 0x80090934
0x800908ac:     mov     r5, #10 ; 0xa
0x800908b0:     str     r5, [r8]

0x80060008 < 0xa => Refresh Cycles = 10

0x800908b4:     ldr     r1, [pc, #92]   ; 0x80090918
0x800908b8:     subs    r1, r1, #1      ; 0x1
0x800908bc:     bne     0x800908b8

loop 0xbb8 times

0x800908c0:     ldr     r8, [pc, #108]  ; 0x80090934
0x800908c4:     ldr     r5, [pc, #108]  ; 0x80090938
0x800908c8:     str     r5, [r8]

0x80060008 < 0x204 => Refresh Cucles = 0x204

0x800908cc:     cmp     r2, #192        ; 0xc0
0x800908d0:     beq     0x800908e4
0x800908d4:     cmp     r2, #128        ; 0x80
0x800908d8:     beq     0x800908e4

32 bits => goto 0x800908e4

0x800908dc:     ldr     r6, [pc, #140]  ; 0x80090970
0x800908e0:     b       0x800908e8

16 bits => r6 < 0xc0046600
goto 0x800908e8

0x800908e4:     ldr     r6, [pc, #136]  ; 0x80090974

32 bits => r6 < 0xc008c800

0x800908e8:     ldr     r7, [pc, #144]  ; 0x80090980

r7 < 0xf000c800

0x800908ec:     ldr     r8, [pc, #44]   ; 0x80090920

r8 < 0x80060004

0x800908f0:     ldr     r5, [pc, #52]   ; 0x8009092c

r5 < 0x80000002

0x800908f4:     str     r5, [r8]

0x80060004 < 0x80000002 => MRS Mode

0x800908f8:     ldr     r5, [r6]

read @ 0xc008c800 if 32 bits or 0xc0046600 if 16 bits

0x800908fc:     ldr     r5, [r7]

read @ 0xf000c800

0x80090900:     ldr     r8, [pc, #24]   ; 0x80090920

r8 < 0x80060004

0x80090904:     ldr     r5, [pc, #24]   ; 0x80090924

r5 < 0x80000000

0x80090908:     str     r5, [r8]

==> out of MRS mode

0x8009090c:     mov     pc, lr

go back to caller

0x80090910:     andhi   r0, r0, r0, lsl #24
0x80090914:     andeq   r0, r0, r1
0x80090918:     streqh  r0, [r0], -r8
0x8009091c:     andeq   r1, r0, r0, ror r7
0x80090920:     andhi   r0, r6, r4
0x80090924:     andhi   r0, r0, r0
0x80090928:     andhi   r0, r0, r1
0x8009092c:     andhi   r0, r0, r2
0x80090930:     andhi   r0, r0, r3
0x80090934:     andhi   r0, r6, r8
0x80090938:     andeq   r0, r0, r4, lsl #4
0x8009093c:     andhi   r0, r6, r12
0x80090940:     andhi   r0, r6, r0, lsl r0
0x80090944:     andhi   r0, r6, r4, lsl r0
0x80090948:     andhi   r0, r6, r8, lsl r0
0x8009094c:     andhi   r0, r6, r12, lsl r0
0x80090950:     teqeq   r2, r8, lsr #32
0x80090954:     teqeq   r2, r8
0x80090958:     eoreq   r0, r10, r12, lsr #32
0x8009095c:     eoreq   r0, r10, r8, lsr #32
0x80090960:     teqeq   r2, r12
0x80090964:     teqeq   r2, r8
0x80090968:     andgt   r6, r0, r0, lsl #12
0x8009096c:     andgt   r12, r0, r0, lsl #16
0x80090970:     andgt   r6, r4, r0, lsl #12
0x80090974:     andgt   r12, r8, r0, lsl #16
0x80090978:     andle   r12, r0, r0, lsl #16
0x8009097c:     andnv   r12, r8, r0, lsl #16
0x80090980:     andnv   r12, r0, r0, lsl #16

*** start of CPU initialization

0x80090984:     mov     r12, lr
=> backup caller address into R12 for return

0x80090988:     ldr     r0, [pc, #768]  ; 0x80090c90
0x8009098c:     mov     r1, #170        ; 0xaa
0x80090990:     str     r1, [r0, #192]

=> 0x809300C0 < 0xAA => unlock syscon regs

0x80090994:     mov     r1, #262144     ; 0x40000
0x80090998:     str     r1, [r0, #128]

=> 0x80930080 < 0x40000 => device cfg => UART1 Enable

0x8009099c:     mov     r0, #120        ; 0x78
0x800909a0:     mcr     15, 0, r0, cr1, cr0, {0}

=> ARM920T control register < 0x78 :
31:30 : 00 => Fast bus mode
14    : 0 => Random replacement
13    : 0 => exception @ 0
12    : 0 => ICache disabled
9     : 0 => R bit
8     : 0 => S bit
7     : 0 => little endian
6:3   : 1 => reserved
2     : 0 => DCache disabled
1     : 0 => fault checking disabled
0     : 0 => MMU disabled

0x800909a4:     nop                     (mov r0,r0)
0x800909a8:     nop                     (mov r0,r0)
0x800909ac:     nop                     (mov r0,r0)
0x800909b0:     nop                     (mov r0,r0)
0x800909b4:     nop                     (mov r0,r0)
0x800909b8:     mov     pc, r12

=> go back to caller

0x800909bc:     ldr     r4, [pc, #12]   ; 0x800909d0
0x800909c0:     subs    r4, r4, #1      ; 0x1
0x800909c4:     bne     0x800909c0
0x800909c8:     mov     pc, lr
0x800909cc:     andeq   r0, r0, r0
0x800909d0:     andeq   r0, r0, r0, lsl #5
0x800909d4:     andeq   r9, r3, r7, ror #17
0x800909d8:     andeq   r11, r3, r8, lsl r11

*** start of SMC Controler initialization

0x800909dc:     ldr     r0, [pc, #92]   ; 0x80090a40

r0 < 0x80080000

0x800909e0:     ldr     r1, [pc, #92]   ; 0x80090a44

r1 < 0x00001c61

0x800909e4:     ldr     r2, [pc, #-2332]        ; 0x800900d0

r2 < 0x8093009c

0x800909e8:     ldr     r3, [r2]

r3 < syscfg

0x800909ec:     and     r4, r3, #192    ; 0xc0
0x800909f0:     cmp     r4, #192        ; 0xc0

syscfg & 0xc0 == 0xc0 => b 0x80090a18 (32 bits)

0x800909f4:     beq     0x80090a18
0x800909f8:     cmp     r4, #128        ; 0x80

syscfg & 0xc0 == 0x80 => b 0x80090a18 (32 bits)

0x800909fc:     beq     0x80090a18
0x80090a00:     cmp     r4, #64 ; 0x40

syscfg & 0xc0 == 0x40 => b 0x80090a20 (16 bits)

0x80090a04:     beq     0x80090a20

0x80090a08:     ldr     r1, [pc, #56]   ; 0x80090a48

r1 < 0x00001861

0x80090a0c:     cmp     r4, #0  ; 0x0

syscfg & 0xc0 == 0x00 => b 0x80090a24 (8 bits if ASDO 0 / 16 bits if ASDO 1)

0x80090a10:     beq     0x80090a24
0x80090a14:     b       0x80090a24

32 bits => r1 < 0x20001c61

0x80090a18:     orr     r1, r1, #536870912      ; 0x20000000
0x80090a1c:     b       0x80090a24

16 bits => r1 < 0x10001c61

0x80090a20:     orr     r1, r1, #268435456      ; 0x10000000

0x80090a24:     str     r1, [r0]
0x80090a28:     str     r1, [r0, #4]
0x80090a2c:     str     r1, [r0, #8]
0x80090a30:     str     r1, [r0, #12]
0x80090a34:     str     r1, [r0, #24]
0x80090a38:     str     r1, [r0, #28]

initialize SMCBCRx

32 bits => 0x80080000 < 0x20001c61
16 bits => 0x80080000 < 0x10001c61
16 bits & ASDO 1 => 0x80080000 < 0x00001861
8 bits & ADSO 0 => 0x80080000 < 0x00001861

0x80090a3c:     mov     pc, lr

go back to caller 

0x80090a40:     andhi   r0, r8, r0
0x80090a44:     andeq   r1, r0, r1, ror #24
0x80090a48:     andeq   r1, r0, r1, ror #16

*** start of NORMAL BOOT 
0x80090a4c:     mov     r9, lr
backup caller adress

0x80090a50:     bl      0x80090ac0
goto > 0x80090ac0 =< SPI

0x80090a54:     bl      0x80090a60
goto > 0x80090a60

0x80090a58:     mov     lr, r9
0x80090a5c:     mov     pc, lr

! SPI :
0x80090a60:     stmdb   sp!, {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, lr}
0x80090a64:     mov     r12, lr
0x80090a68:     mov     r1, #1  ; 0x1
0x80090a6c:     ldr     r2, [pc, #540]  ; 0x80090c90

r2 < 0x80930000

0x80090a70:     ldr     r3, [r2, #68]

r3 < 0w80930044 ScratchREG 1

0x80090a74:     and     r3, r3, r1
0x80090a78:     cmp     r3, r1

0x80090a7c:     beq     0x80090ab0
if 0x1 > goto 0x80090ab0

0x80090a80:     mov     r3, #2048       ; 0x800
0x80090a84:     mov     r4, #4  ; 0x4
0x80090a88:     ldr     r5, [pc, #556]  ; 0x80090cbc

r5 < 0x80140000

0x80090a8c:     bl      0x80090b04

goto > 0x80090b04

0x80090a90:     ldmeqia sp!, {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, pc}
0x80090a94:     mov     r0, r4
0x80090a98:     bl      0x80090c28
0x80090a9c:     str     r0, [r5], #4
0x80090aa0:     subs    r3, r3, #4      ; 0x4
0x80090aa4:     add     r4, r4, #4      ; 0x4
0x80090aa8:     bne     0x80090a94
0x80090aac:     ldr     pc, [pc, #524]  ; 0x80090cc0

pc < 0x80014000 (MACFIFO SRAM)

0x80090ab0:     mov     r1, #1  ; 0x1
0x80090ab4:     ldr     r2, [pc, #468]  ; 0x80090c90

r2 < 0x80930000

0x80090ab8:     str     r1, [r2, #68]

0x80930044 < r1 (ScratchREG 1)

0x80090abc:     mov     pc, r12

Normal Boot 1 => SPI Init
0x80090ac0:     ldr     r11, [pc, #468] ; 0x80090c9c
0x80090ac4:     ldr     r10, [pc, #432] ; 0x80090c7c

r11 < 0x808a0000
r10 < 0x80090cd4

0x80090ac8:     mov     r1, #4  ; 0x4
0x80090acc:     str     r1, [r11, #16]

0x808a0010 < 0x04 => SPI Clock Prescale Register

0x80090ad0:     ldr     r1, [pc, #456]  ; 0x80090ca0

r1 < 0x000001c7

0x80090ad4:     str     r1, [r11]

0x808a0000 < 0x1c7 => SPICR0

0x80090ad8:     mov     r1, #16 ; 0x10
0x80090adc:     str     r1, [r11, #4]

0x808a0004 < 0x10 => SPICR1

0x80090ae0:     ldr     sp, [pc, #464]  ; 0x80090cb8

sp < 0x800148fc

0x80090ae4:     mov     r0, #0  ; 0x0
0x80090ae8:     mov     r1, #63 ; 0x3f
0x80090aec:     str     r0, [sp]

0x800148fc < 0 => MACFIFO SDRAM < 0

0x80090af0:     sub     sp, sp, #4      ; 0x4
0x80090af4:     subs    r1, r1, #1      ; 0x1
0x80090af8:     bne     0x80090aec
0x80090afc:     ldr     sp, [pc, #436]  ; 0x80090cb8

sp < 0x800148fc

0x80090b00:     mov     pc, lr

*** start of boot
0x80090b04:     stmdb   sp!, {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, lr}
0x80090b08:     mov     r1, #3  ; 0x3
0x80090b0c:     mov     r0, #0  ; 0x0
0x80090b10:     ldr     r2, [pc, #360]  ; 0x80090c80

r2 < CRUS

0x80090b14:     bl      0x80090c28
0x80090b18:     cmp     r0, r2
0x80090b1c:     beq     0x80090b30
0x80090b20:     ldr     r2, [pc, #348]  ; 0x80090c84

r2 < SURC

0x80090b24:     cmp     r0, r2
0x80090b28:     beq     0x80090b38
0x80090b2c:     b       0x80090b40
0x80090b30:     cmp     r1, #0  ; 0x0
0x80090b34:     ldmia   sp!, {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, pc}
0x80090b38:     cmp     r1, #0  ; 0x0
0x80090b3c:     ldmia   sp!, {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, pc}
0x80090b40:     subs    r1, r1, #1      ; 0x1
0x80090b44:     bne     0x80090b0c
0x80090b48:     ldmia   sp!, {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, pc}

*** start of ?
0x80090b4c:     stmdb   sp!, {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, lr}
0x80090b50:     mov     r4, r1
0x80090b54:     and     r1, r0, #255    ; 0xff
0x80090b58:     mov     r2, r0, lsr #8
0x80090b5c:     and     r2, r2, #255    ; 0xff
0x80090b60:     mov     r3, r0, lsr #16
0x80090b64:     and     r3, r3, #255    ; 0xff
0x80090b68:     mov     r5, #3  ; 0x3
0x80090b6c:     mov     r6, #0  ; 0x0
0x80090b70:     cmp     r4, #1  ; 0x1
0x80090b74:     beq     0x80090b88
0x80090b78:     cmp     r4, #2  ; 0x2
0x80090b7c:     beq     0x80090bac
0x80090b80:     cmp     r4, #3  ; 0x3
0x80090b84:     beq     0x80090bc0
0x80090b88:     tst     r0, #256        ; 0x100
0x80090b8c:     bne     0x80090b98
0x80090b90:     mov     r5, #3  ; 0x3
0x80090b94:     b       0x80090b9c
0x80090b98:     mov     r5, #11 ; 0xb
0x80090b9c:     strh    r5, [r11, #8]
0x80090ba0:     strh    r1, [r11, #8]
0x80090ba4:     strh    r6, [r11, #8]
0x80090ba8:     b       0x80090bd4
0x80090bac:     strh    r5, [r11, #8]
0x80090bb0:     strh    r2, [r11, #8]
0x80090bb4:     strh    r1, [r11, #8]
0x80090bb8:     strh    r6, [r11, #8]
0x80090bbc:     b       0x80090bd4
0x80090bc0:     strh    r5, [r11, #8]
0x80090bc4:     strh    r3, [r11, #8]
0x80090bc8:     strh    r2, [r11, #8]
0x80090bcc:     strh    r1, [r11, #8]
0x80090bd0:     strh    r6, [r11, #8]
0x80090bd4:     mov     r6, #1  ; 0x1
0x80090bd8:     orr     r6, r6, #4      ; 0x4
0x80090bdc:     mov     r5, #0  ; 0x0
0x80090be0:     ldr     r7, [r11, #12]
0x80090be4:     add     r5, r5, #1      ; 0x1
0x80090be8:     cmp     r5, #65536      ; 0x10000
0x80090bec:     beq     0x80090ab0
0x80090bf0:     and     r8, r7, r6
0x80090bf4:     cmp     r8, r6
0x80090bf8:     bne     0x80090be0
0x80090bfc:     mov     r5, #0  ; 0x0
0x80090c00:     ldr     r7, [r11, #12]
0x80090c04:     and     r8, r7, #4      ; 0x4
0x80090c08:     add     r5, r5, #1      ; 0x1
0x80090c0c:     cmp     r5, #65536      ; 0x10000
0x80090c10:     beq     0x80090ab0
0x80090c14:     cmp     r8, #4  ; 0x4
0x80090c18:     ldreqh  r0, [r11, #8]
0x80090c1c:     beq     0x80090c00
0x80090c20:     mov     r1, r4
0x80090c24:     ldmia   sp!, {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, pc}

*** start of ?
0x80090c28:     stmdb   sp!, {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, lr}
0x80090c2c:     mov     r5, r0
0x80090c30:     mov     r4, #0  ; 0x0
0x80090c34:     mov     r9, #8  ; 0x8
0x80090c38:     bl      0x80090b4c

0x80090c3c:     and     r6, r5, #3      ; 0x3
0x80090c40:     mul     r7, r6, r9
0x80090c44:     mov     r8, r0, lsl r7
0x80090c48:     orr     r4, r4, r8
0x80090c4c:     add     r5, r5, #1      ; 0x1
0x80090c50:     mov     r0, r5
0x80090c54:     bl      0x80090b4c
0x80090c58:     and     r6, r5, #3      ; 0x3
0x80090c5c:     mul     r7, r6, r9
0x80090c60:     mov     r8, r0, lsl r7
0x80090c64:     orr     r4, r4, r8
0x80090c68:     subs    r0, r6, #3      ; 0x3
0x80090c6c:     add     r5, r5, #1      ; 0x1
0x80090c70:     bne     0x80090c50
0x80090c74:     mov     r0, r4
0x80090c78:     ldmia   sp!, {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, pc}

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