[Linux-Anyway] Today....

  • From: Meph Istopheles <Meph@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Linux-Anyway <Linux-Anyway@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2004 09:35:53 -0800 (PST)

   While I've certainly not given up on the other issues not yet 
working that I've mentioned earlier this install, today I'm 
trying to find something I've mentioned here or in other lists 
off & on -- the annoying white on black of boot & console.

   No, I'm not referring to DIR_COLORS, or colorls, these are 
controlled by bash, so my fonts after login, as well as files 
when I do an ls, are coloured, but my initial login prompt, man 
files, etc are white on black.

   I never can remember the name of the file, but I have found in 
other distros (& possibly in slack 9.1) a file somewhere in /etc/ 
which controlled the system font colours.

   Can anyone help me out, here?  I promise to add the data to my 
LinuxHelp page, if only for my own use.

   If God didn't mean for us to juggle, tennis balls wouldn't come
   three to a can.
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