[liblouis-liblouisxml] update italian braille table

  • From: Simone Dal Maso <simone.dalmaso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 09:45:50 +0100

this is an update for the 8 dots italian table.
It reflects many settings that you can find in the jaws unicode table, plus some implementation of web characters, hebrew and greek.
A great thank to Caterina Avoledo that make the works.
Please include it in the package.
thank you.

# liblouis: Italiano 8 punti

#--------------------- All chars definitions ------------------------------

space \x0000  34578   #NULL
space \x0001  178 #Start of heading
space \x0002  1278  #Start of text
space \x0003  1478  #End of text
space \x0004  14578 #End of transmission
space \x0005  1578  #Enquiry
space \x0006  12478 #Acknowledge
space \x0007  124578  #Bell
space \x0008  12578 #Backspace
#space \x0009  2478
space \t  0 #Tab  \x0009
space \x000A  24578 #Line feed
space \x000B  1378  #Line tabulation
space \x000C  12378 #Form feed
space \x000D  13478 #Carriage return
space \x000E  134578  #Shift out
space \x000F  13578 #Shift in
space \x0010  123478    #Data link escape
space \x0011  1234578   #Device control one
space \x0012  123578    #Device control two
space \x0013  23478   #Device control three
space \x0014  234578    #Device control four
space \x0015  13678   #Negative acknoledgement
space \x0016  123678    #Synchronous idle
space \x0017  245678    #End of transmission block
space \x0018  134678    #Cancel
space \x0019  1345678   #End of medium
space \x001A  135678    #Substitute
space \x001B  1235678   #Escape
space \x001C  3478    #Information separator four
space \x001D  2345678   #Information separator three
space \x001E  234678    #Information separator two
space \x001F  45678   #Information separator one
space \s  0   #blank 32
punctuation ! 5                                         #33
punctuation " 4                                         #34
sign # 3456                                                             #35
sign $ 46                                                                       
sign % 123456                                                   #37
sign & 12346                                                    #38
punctuation ' 6                                 #39
punctuation ( 236                                       #40
punctuation ) 356                                       #41
punctuation *   35                                      #42
sign + 235                                                              #43
punctuation , 2                                         #44
punctuation - 36                                        #45  the hyphen-minus
punctuation . 3                                         #46
sign / 256                                                              #47

digit 0 346                                                             #48
digit 1 16                                                              #49
digit 2 126   #50
digit 3 146   #51
digit 4 1456   #52
digit 5 156   #53
digit 6 1246   #54
digit 7 12456   #55
digit 8 1256    #56
digit 9 246                     #57

punctuation : 25                        #colon  x003A
punctuation ;   23                      #semicolon x003B
math < 56                                                       #x003C
math = 2356                                             #equal sign     x003D
math > 45                                                                       
punctuation ? 26                                                #x003F
sign @ 3457                                             #commercial at x0040

uplow Aa 17,1                                           #x0041 / 61
uplow Bb 127,12                                 #x0042 / 62
uplow Cc 147,14
uplow Dd 1457,145
uplow Ee 157,15
uplow Ff 1247,124
uplow Gg 12457,1245
uplow Hh 1257,125
uplow Ii 247,24
uplow Jj 2457,245
uplow Kk 137,13
uplow Ll 1237,123
uplow Mm 1347,134
uplow Nn 13457,1345
uplow Oo 1357,135
uplow Pp 12347,1234
uplow Qq 123457,12345
uplow Rr 12357,1235
uplow Ss 2347,234
uplow Tt 23457,2345
uplow Uu 1367,136
uplow Vv 12367,1236
uplow Ww 24567,2456
uplow Xx 13467,1346
uplow Yy 134567,13456
uplow Zz 13567,1356                                     #x005A / 7A
punctuation [ 123567                    #91
sign \\ 347                                                             #92
punctuation ] 234567                    #93
sign ^ 23467                                                    #94
sign _ 4567                                                     #underscore 95
sign ` 345                                                      #96

# a - z                                 97 - 122        x0061 - x007A

punctuation { 12356                     #123
sign  | 34                              #124
punctuation } 23456                     #125
sign ~ 2346                     #126
sign  \x007F  456   #Delete

#--- Unicode latin
#sign  \x0080  8   #Control
#From \x0080 to \x009F control characters

space \x00A0 0                          #no-break space
punctuation \x00A1  367   #Inverted exclamation mark
sign ¢ 58                                               #cent sign      x00A2
sign £ 467                                      #pound sign             x00A3
sign ¤ 4678                                     #currency sign  x00A4
sign ¥ 468                              #yen    sign                    x00A5
sign  \x00A6  158   #Broken bar
sign § 357                              #paragraph sign x00A7
sign  \x00A8  48  #Diaeresis sign
sign © 123468   #copyright                      x00A9
sign  \x00AA  1258    #Feminine ordinal indicator
punctuation « 5678              #left-pointing double quotation mark    x00AB
sign  \x00AC    25678   #Not sign
sign  \x00AD  368   #Soft hyphen
sign  \x00AE  12358   #Registered sign
sign  \x00AF  458   #Macron sign
sign ° 4568                     #degree sign            x00B0
sign  \x00B1    23578   #Plus-Minus sign
sign ² 128                              #superscript 2 sign     x00B2
sign ³ 148                              #superscript 3 sign     x00B3
sign \x00B4 568                 #acute accent
sign \x00B5 1348                #µ micro sign                                   
sign \x00B6 1458                #¶ pilcrow sign                                 
punctuation \x00B7  37    #Middle dot
sign \x00B8 68    #Cedilla
sign ¹ 18                       #superscript 1 sign     x00B9
sign  \x00BA  2458    #Masculine ordinal indicator
punctuation » 4578              #right-pointing double quotation mark           
sign ¼ 1368             #vulgar fraction one quarter    x00BC
sign ½ 12368            #vulgar fraction one half       x00BD
sign ¾ 13468    #vulgar fraction 3 quarters     x00BE
punctuation \x00BF  38    #Inverted question mark

uppercase \x00C0 23678    #A with grave above
uppercase \x00C1  28    #A with acute above
uppercase \x00C2  167   #A with Circumflex
uppercase \x00C3  3467    #A with tilde 
uppercase \x00C4  567   #A with diaeresis
uppercase \x00C5   34567    #A with ring above
uppercase \x00C6  47    #AE
uppercase \x00C7  123467    #C with cedilla
uppercase \x00C8 3578   #E with grave above
uppercase \x00C9 1234567    #E with acute above
uppercase \x00CA  1267    #E with circumflex
uppercase \x00CB  2358    #E with diaeresis
uppercase \x00CC  57    #I with grave above
uppercase \x00CD  258   #I with acute
uppercase \x00CE  1467    #I with circumflex
uppercase \x00CF  23568   #I with diaeresis
uppercase \x00D0  3567    #ETH
uppercase \x00D1  2567    #N with tilde
uppercase \x00D2 578    #O with grave
uppercase       \x00D3  2568    #O with acute
uppercase \x00D4  14567   #O with circumflex
uppercase \x00D5  267   #O with tilde
uppercase \x00D6  358   #O with diaeresis
math ×  23468   #Multiplication sign \x00d7
uppercase \x00D8  2467    #O with stroke
uppercase \x00D9 35678    #U with grave above
uppercase \x00DA 268    #U with acute above
uppercase \x00DB  1567    #U with circumflex
uppercase \x00DC  2368    #U with diaeresis
uppercase \x00DD  3568    #Y with acute
uppercase \x00DE  2357    #THORN
uppercase \x00DF  34568   #sharp s
lowercase \x00E0 123568                         #a with grave
lowercase \x00E1  168   #a with acute
lowercase \x00E2  1678    #a with circumflex
lowercase \x00E3  34678   #a with tilde
lowercase \x00E4  3458    #a with diaeresis
lowercase \x00E5  345678    #a with ring above
lowercase \x00E6  478   #ae
lowercase \x00E7  1234678   #c with cedilla
lowercase \x00E8 23468                  #e with grave
lowercase \x00E9 1234568                #e with acute
lowercase \x00EA  12678   #e with circumflex
lowercase \x00EB  12468   #e with diaeresis
lowercase \x00EC 348                            #i with grave above
lowercase \x00ED  1468    #i withacute
lowercase \x00EE  14678   #i with circumflex
lowercase \x00EF  124568    #i with diaeresis
lowercase \x00F0  23458   #eth
lowercase \x00F1  13458   #n with tilde
lowercase \x00F2 3468                   #o with grave above
lowercase \x00F3 14568    #o with acute
lowercase \x00F4  145678    #o with circumflex
lowercase \x00F5  1358    #o with tilde
lowercase \x00F6  2468    #o with diaeresis
math ÷  125678    #division sign x00f7
lowercase \x00F8  24678   #o with stroke
lowercase \x00F9 234567                 #u with grave above
lowercase \x00FA 1568                   #u with acute above
lowercase \x00FB  15678   #u with circumflex
lowercase \x00FC  12568   #u with diaeresis
lowercase \x00FD  24568   #y with acute
lowercase \x00FE  12348   #thorn
lowercase \x00FF  134568    #y with diaeresis

#--- Unicode Multilingual
uppercase \x0100    1678    #A with macron
lowercase       \x0101   168   #a with macron
uppercase       \x0102    1235678   #A with breve
lowercase       \x0103    123568    #a with breve
uppercase       \x0104    134568    #A with ogonek
lowercase \x0105 168    #a with ogonek
uppercase \x0106 14678    #C with acute
lowercase \x0107 1468   #c with acute
uppercase       \x0108    14678   #C with circumflex
lowercase       \x0109    1468    #c with circumflex
#uppercase \x010A  0   #C with dot above
#lowercase  \x010B      #c with dot above
uppercase       \x010C    14678   #C with caron
lowercase       \x010D    1468    #c with caron
#uppercase      \x010E       #D with caron
#lowercase      \x010F       #d with caron
uppercase \x0110   145678    #D with stroke
lowercase \x0111    14568   #d with stroke
uppercase \x0112    15678   #E with macron
lowercase \x0113    1568    #e with macron
uppercase       \x0118    12678    #E with ogonek
lowercase \x0119    1268    #e with ogonek
uppercase \x011C    1245678     #G with circumflex
lowercase \x011D    124568    #g with circumflex
uppercase \x0141  134568    #L with stroke
lowercase \x0142  1568    #l with stroke
uppercase \x0143  145678    #N with acute
lowercase \x0144  14568   #n with acute
uppercase \x0145 1345678   #N with cedilla
lowercase \x0146 134568    #n with cedilla
uppercase \x0150  1245678   #O with double acute
lowercase \x0151  124568    #o with double acute
uppercase \x0152  237   #ligature OE
lowercase \x0153  467   #ligature oe
uppercase \x0156  1235678   #R with cedilla
lowercase \x0157  123568    #r with cedilla
lowercase \x0159 2456    #r with caron
uppercase \x015A  134568    #S with acute
lowercase \x015B  134568    #s with acute
uppercase \x015C  234678    #S with circumflex
lowercase \x015D  23468    #s with cirumflex
uppercase \x015E  134568    #S with cedilla
lowercase \x015F  123468    #s with cedilla
uppercase \x0160  678   #S with caron
lowercase \x0161  1568    #s withcaron
uppercase \x0162  24678   #T with cedilla
lowercase \x0163  23458   #t with cedilla
uppercase \x0164  125678    #T with caron
lowercase \x0165  1256    #t with caron
uppercase \x016A  34678   #U wtih macron
lowercase \x016B  3468    #u with macron
uppercase \x016C  34678   #U with breve
lowercase \x016D  3468    #u with breve
lowercase \x016F  23456   #u with ring above
uppercase \x0170  2345678   #U with double acute
lowercase \x0171  234568    #u with double acute
uppercase \x0178  12345678    #Y with diaeresis
uppercase \x0179  134568    #Z with acute
lowercase \x017A 134568    #z with acute
uppercase \x017B  134568    #Z with dot above
lowercase \x017C  123468    #z with dot above
uppercase \x017D  12567   #Z with caron
lowercase \x017E  2346    #z with caron
lowercase \x0192 78   #f with hook
lowercase \x025C  13567   #reversed open e
sign  \x02C6  378   #circumflex accent
sign  \x02C7  134568    #caron
sign  \x02D8  134568    #breve
sign  \x02D9  5    #dot above
sign  \x02DB 134568    #ogonek
sign  \x02DC  2578    #small tilde

#--- Unicode Special Symbols
space   \x2002  0          #EN space
space \x2003  0   #EM space
space   \x2004  0         #THREE-PER-EM SPACE
space   \x2005  0         #FOUR-PER-EM SPACE
space   \x2006  0         #SIX-PER-EM SPACE
punctuation     \x2007  0         #FIGURE SPACE
space   \x2008  0         #PUNCTUATION SPACE
space   \x2009  0         #THIN SPACE
space   \x200A  0         #HAIR SPACE
sign  \x2011  36    #Non-breaking hyphen
sign  \x2013  368   #En dash
sign  \x2014  36    #EM dash
sign  \x2015  36    #Horizontal bar
sign  \x2017  36    #Double low line
sign  \x2018  6   #Left single quotation mark
sign  \x2019  6   #Right single quotation mark
sign  \x201A  3678    #Single low-9 quotation mark
sign  \x201C  4   #Left double quotation mark
sign  \x201D  4   #Right double quotation mark
sign  \x201E  1268  #Double low-9 quotation mark
sign  \x2020  134568    #Dagger
sign  \x2021  12458   #Double dagger
sign  \x2022  35    #Bullet
sign  \x2026  238   #Horizontal ellipsis
punctuation     \x202F  0         #NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE
sign  \x2030  1345678   #Per mille sign
sign  \x2039  27    #Single left-pointing quotation mark
sign  \x203A  23567   #Single right-pointing quotation mark
space   \x205F  0         #MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE
sign  \x207F  13467   #Superscript n
sign  \x20AC  457   #Euro sign
sign  \x20AF  145678    #Drachma sign
sign  \x2116  3456    #Number sign
sign  \x2122  1245678   #Trade mark sign
math  \x2219  48    #Bullet operator
math  \x221A  1467    #Square root
math  \x221E  234678    #Infinity
math  \x2229  578   #Intersection
math  \x2248  3578    #Almost equal to
math  \x2261  23568   #Identical to
math  \x2264  568   #Less-than or equal to
math  \x2265  458   #Greater-than or equal to
sign  \x2310  14567   #Reversed not sign
math  \x2320  347   #Top half integral
math  \x2321  1567    #Bottom half integral
sign  \x2500  67    #Box drawings light horizontal
sign  \x2502  237   #Box drawings light horizontal
sign  \x250C  257   #Box drawings light down and right
sign  \x2510  278   #Box drawings light down and left
sign \x2514 378   #Box drawings light up and right
sign  \x2518  678   #Box drawings light up and left
sign  \x251C  2367    #Box drawings light vertical and right
sign  \x2524  13568   #Box drawings light vertical and left
sign  \x252C  138 #Box drawings light down and horizontal
sign  \x2534  27    #Box drawings light up and horizontal
sign  \x2550  2578    #Box drawings double horizontal
sign  \x2551  1234568   #Box drawings double vertical
sign  \x2552  123468    #Box drawings down single and right double
sign  \x2553  1358    #Box drawings down double and right single
sign  \x2554  23567   #Box drawings double down and right
sign  \x2555  148   #Box drawings down single and left double
sign  \x2556  368   #Box drawings down double and left single
sign  \x2557  12458   #Box drawings double down left
sign  \x2558  248   #Box drawings up single and right double
sign  \x2559  1238    #Box drawings up double and right single
sign  \x255A  2378    #Box drawings double up and right
sign  \x255B  34678   #Box drawings up single and left double
sign  \x255C  4678    #Box drawings up double and left single
sign  \x255D  2678    #Box drawings double up and left
sign  \x255E  68    #Box drawings vertical single and right double
sign  \x255F  257   #Box drawings vertical double and right single
sign  \x2560  1248    #Box drawings vertical double and right
sign  \x2561  268   #Box drawings vertical single and left double
sign  \x2562  24568   #Box drawings vertical double and left single
sign  \x2563  123567    #Box drawings double vertical and left
sign  \x2564  3467    #Box drawings down single and horizontal double
sign  \x2565  28    #Box drawings down double and horizontal single
sign  \x2566  123458    #Box drawings double down and horizontal
sign  \x2567  167   #Box drawings up single and horizontal double
sign  \x2568  57    #Box drawings up double and horizontal single
sign  \x2569  8   #Box drawings double up and horizontal
sign  \x256A  3567  #Box drawings vertical single and horizontal double
sign  \x256B  12358   #Box drawings vertical double and horizontal single
sign  \x256C  5678    #Box drawings double vertical and horizontal
sign  \x2580 234567    #Upper half block
sign  \x2584 1267    #Lower half block
sign  \x2588 12345678   #Full block
sign  \x258C  23678   #Left half block
sign  \x2590  35678   #Right half block
sign  \x2591  78    #Light shade
sign  \x2592  3678    #Medium shade
sign  \x2593  235678    #Dark shade
sign  \x25A0  1234567   #Black square
sign  \x25B6  267   #Black right-pointing triangle
sign  \x25CF  35    #Black circle

#--- Unicode Greek
sign    \x0374  3456    #GREEK UPPER NUMERAL SIGN Dexia keraia
sign    \x0375  5678    #GREEK LOWER NUMERAL SIGN Aristeri keraia
punctuation     \x037E  26      #GREEK QUESTION MARK
sign    \x0384  4       #GREEK TONOS
sign    \x0385  45      #GREEK DIALYTIKA TONOS
uppercase       \x0386  34578   #Greek letter alpha with tonos
sign    \x0387  746     #GREEK ANO TELEIA
uppercase       \x0388  124678  #Greek letter epsilon with tonos
uppercase       \x0389  12345678        #Greek letter eta with tonos
uppercase       \x038A  1245678 #Greel letter iota with sonos
uppercase       \x038C  24678   #Greek letter omicron with tonos
uppercase       \x038E  125678  #Greek letter upsilon with tonos
uppercase       \x038F  24578   #Greek letter omega with tonos
lowercase       \x0390  248     #GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA AND 
uppercase       \x0391  178     #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA
uppercase       \x0392  1278    #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA
uppercase       \x0393  124578  #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA
uppercase       \x0394  14578   #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA
uppercase       \x0395  1578    #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON
uppercase       \x0396  135678  #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA
uppercase       \x0397  15678   #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA
uppercase       \x0398  145678  #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA
uppercase       \x0399  248     #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA
uppercase       \x039A  1378    #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA
uppercase       \x039B  12378   #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA
uppercase       \x039C  13478   #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU
uppercase       \x039D  134578  #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER NU
uppercase       \x039E  134678  #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI
uppercase       \x039F  13578   #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON
uppercase       \x03A0  123478  #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI
uppercase       \x03A1  123578  #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO
uppercase       \x03A3  23478   #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
uppercase \x03A4        234578  #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER TAU
uppercase       \x03A5  13678   #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON
uppercase       \x03A6  12478   #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI
uppercase       \x03A7  1234678 #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER CHI
uppercase       \x03A8  1345678 #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI
uppercase       \x03A9  245678  #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA
lowercase       \x03AC  3458    #Greek letter alpha with tonos
lowercase       \x03AD  12468   #Greek letter epsilon with tonos
lowercase       \x03AE  1234568 #Greek letter eta with tonos
lowercase       \x03AF  124568  #Greel letter iota with sonos
lowercase       \x03B0  134568  #GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA
lowercase       \x03B1  18      #GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA
lowercase       \x03B2  128     #GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA
lowercase       \x03B3  12458   #GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA
lowercase       \x03B4  1458    #GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA
lowercase       \x03B5  158     #GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON
lowercase       \x03B6  13568   #GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA
lowercase       \x03B7  1568    #GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA
lowercase       \x03B8  14568   #GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA
lowercase       \x03B9  248     #GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA
lowercase       \x03BA  138     #GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA
lowercase       \x03BB  1238    #GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA
lowercase       \x03BC  1348    #GREEK SMALL LETTER MU
lowercase       \x03BD  13458   #GREEK SMALL LETTER NU
lowercase       \x03BE  13468   #GREEK SMALL LETTER XI
lowercase       \x03BF  1358    #GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON
lowercase       \x03C0  12348   #GREEK SMALL LETTER PI
lowercase       \x03C1  12358   #GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO
lowercase       \x03C2  2348    #GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA
lowercase       \x03C3  2348    #GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA
lowercase       \x03C4  23458   #GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU
lowercase       \x03C5  1368    #GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON
lowercase       \x03C6  1248    #GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI
lowercase       \x03C7  123468  #GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI
lowercase       \x03C8  13456   #GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI
lowercase       \x03C9  24568   #GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA
lowercase       \x03CA  348     #GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA
lowercase       \x03CC  2468    #Greek letter omicron with tonos
lowercase       \x03CD  12568   #Greek letter upsilon with tonos
lowercase       \x03CE  2458    #Greek letter omega with tonos
sign    \x03D0  1278    #GREEK BETA SYMBOL
sign    \x03D1  145678  #GREEK THETA SYMBOL
letter  \x03D2  12368   #GREEK UPSILON WITH HOOK SYMBOL
sign    \x03D5  12478   #GREEK PHI SYMBOL
sign    \x03D6  123478  #GREEK PI SYMBOL
sign    \x03D7  12346   #GREEK KAI SYMBOL
uppercase       \x03D8  1234578 #GREEK LETTER ARCHAIC KOPPA
lowercase       \x03D9  123458  #GREEK SMALL LETTER ARCHAIC KOPPA
uppercase       \x03DA  123678  #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER STIGMA
lowercase       \x03DB  12368   #GREEK SMALL LETTER STIGMA
uppercase       \x03DC  145678  #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DIGAMMA
lowercase       \x03DD  12368   #GREEK SMALL LETTER DIGAMMA
uppercase       \x03DE  1234578 #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KOPPA
lowercase       \x03DF  123458  #GREEK SMALL LETTER KOPPA
uppercase       \x03E0  234678  #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SAMPI
lowercase       \x03E1  23468   #GREEK SMALL LETTER SAMPI
sign    \x03F0  1234578 #GREEK KAPPA SYMBOL
sign    \x03F1  123578  #GREEK RHO SYMBOL
sign    \x03F2  23478   #GREEK LUNATE SIGMA SYMBOL
sign    \x03F4  145678  #GREEK CAPITAL THETA SYMBOL
sign    \x03F5  1578    #GREEK LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL
uppercase       \x03FA  234678  #GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SAN
lowercase       \x03FB  23468   #GREEK SMALL LETTER SAN

#--- Unicode Cyrillic
uppercase \x0401 1678   #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IO
uppercase \x0407 145678   #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YI
uppercase \x0410 178   #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A
uppercase \x0411 1278  #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BE
uppercase \x0412 245678  #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER VE
uppercase \x0413 124578   #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE
uppercase \x0414 14578    #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DE
uppercase \x0415 157    #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE
uppercase \x0416 24578   #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE
uppercase \x0417 135678   #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZE
uppercase \x0418 2478    #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I
uppercase \x0419 1234678    #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT I
uppercase \x041A 1378   #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KA
uppercase \x041B 12378    #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EL
uppercase \x041C 13478    #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EM
uppercase \x041D 134578   #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN
uppercase \x041E 13578    #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER O
uppercase \x041F 123478   #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER PE
uppercase \x0420 123578   #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ER
uppercase \x0421 23478   #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ES
uppercase \x0422 234578   #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TE
uppercase \x0423 13678    #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER U
uppercase \x0424 12478    #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EF
uppercase \x0425 12578    #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HA
uppercase \x0426 1478   #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSE
uppercase \x0427 1234578    #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER CHE
uppercase \x0428 15678    #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHA
uppercase \x0429 134678   #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHCHA
uppercase \x042A 1235678    #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HARD SIGN
uppercase \x042B 234678   #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YERU
uppercase \x042C 2345678    #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SOFT SIGN
uppercase \x042D 24678    #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER E
uppercase \x042E 125678     #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YU
uppercase \x042F 124678   #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YA
lowercase \x0430 18   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A
lowercase \x0431 128    #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE
lowercase \x0432 24568   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER VE
lowercase \x0433 12458    #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE
lowercase \x0434 1458   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DE
lowercase \x0435 158    #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE
lowercase \x0436 2458   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE
lowercase \x0437 13568   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE
lowercase \x0438 248    #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I
lowercase \x0439 123468   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT I
lowercase \x043A 138   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA
lowercase \x043B 1238   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL
lowercase \x043C 1348   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EM
lowercase \x043D 13458   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN
lowercase \x043E 1358   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER O
lowercase \x043F 12348   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PE
lowercase \x0440 12358    #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER
lowercase \x0441 2348   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ES
lowercase \x0442 23458   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TE
lowercase \x0443 1368   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U
lowercase \x0444 1248   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EF
lowercase \x0445 1258   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HA
lowercase \x0446 148   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSE
lowercase \x0447 123458   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CHE
lowercase \x0448 1568   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHA
lowercase \x0449 13468    #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHCHA
lowercase \x044A 123568   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HARD SIGN
lowercase \x044B 23468    #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YERU
lowercase \x044C 234568   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SOFT SIGN
lowercase \x044D 2468   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER E
lowercase \x044E 12568    #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YU
lowercase \x044F 12468    #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YA
lowercase \x0451 168    #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IO
lowercase \x0452 1468   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DJE Serbocroatian
lowercase \x0455 12368    #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZE
lowercase \x0457 14568    #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YI
lowercase \x0458 3458   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER JE
lowercase \x0459 1268   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER LJE
lowercase \x045A 12468    #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER NJE
lowercase \x045B 1468   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSHE Serbocroatian
lowercase \x045E 3468   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT U
uppercase \x0462 3457           #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YAT
lowercase \x0463 3458   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YAT
uppercase \x046A 2467           #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BIG YUS
lowercase \x046B 124568   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BIG YUS
lowercase \x0479 3468   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER UK DIGRAPH
uppercase \x0490 1245678    #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE WITH UPTURN
lowercase \x0491 124568   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE WITH UPTURN
lowercase \x04BB 128    #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHHA
lowercase \x04D9 2468   #CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SCHWA

#---- Hebrew Unicode
punctuation     \x05B0  3       #HEBREW POINT SHEVA
punctuation     \x05B1  26      #HEBREW POINT HATAF SEGOL
punctuation     \x05B2  25      #HEBREW POINT HATAF PATAH
punctuation     \x05B3  345     #HEBREW POINT HATAF QAMATS
punctuation     \x05B4  24      #HEBREW POINT HIRIQ
punctuation     \x05B5  34      #HEBREW POINT TSERE
punctuation     \x05B6  15      #HEBREW POINT SEGOL
punctuation     \x05B7  14      #HEBREW POINT PATAH
punctuation     \x05B8  126     #HEBREW POINT QAMATS
punctuation     \x05B9  135     #HEBREW POINT HOLAM
punctuation     \x05BB  136     #HEBREW POINT QUBUTS
punctuation     \x05BC  5       #HEBREW POINT DAGESH OR MAPIQ 
punctuation     \x05BD  4       #HEBREW POINT METEG
punctuation     \x05C1  1568    #HEBREW POINT SHIN DOT
punctuation     \x05C2  2348    #HEBREW POINT SIN DOT
letter  \x05D0  1       #HEBREW LETTER ALEF
letter  \x05D1  1236    #HEBREW LETTER BET
letter  \x05D2  1245    #HEBREW LETTER GIMEL
letter  \x05D3  145     #HEBREW LETTER DALET
letter  \x05D4  125     #HEBREW LETTER HE
letter  \x05D5  2456    #HEBREW LETTER VAV
letter  \x05D6  1356    #HEBREW LETTER ZAYIN
letter  \x05D7  1346    #HEBREW LETTER HET
letter  \x05D8  2345    #HEBREW LETTER TET
letter  \x05D9  245     #HEBREW LETTER YOD
letter  \x05DA  16      #HEBREW LETTER FINAL KAF
letter  \x05DB  16      #HEBREW LETTER KAF
letter  \x05DC  123     #HEBREW LETTER LAMED
letter  \x05DD  134     #HEBREW LETTER FINAL MEM
letter  \x05DE  134     #HEBREW LETTER MEM
letter  \x05DF  1345    #HEBREW LETTER FINAL NUN
letter  \x05E0  1345    #HEBREW LETTER NUN
letter  \x05E1  234     #HEBREW LETTER SAMEKH
letter  \x05E2  1246    #HEBREW LETTER AYIN
letter  \x05E3  124     #HEBREW LETTER FINAL PE
letter  \x05E4  124     #HEBREW LETTER PE
letter  \x05E5  2346    #HEBREW LETTER FINAL TSADI
letter  \x05E6  2346    #HEBREW LETTER TSADI
letter  \x05E7  12345   #HEBREW LETTER QOF
letter  \x05E8  1235    #HEBREW LETTER RESH
letter  \x05E9  146     #HEBREW LETTER SHIN
letter  \x05EA  1456    #HEBREW LETTER TAV
letter  \xFB2B  156       #HEBREW LETTER SHIN WITH SIN DOT
letter  \xFB31  12      #HEBREW LETTER BET WITH DAGESH
letter  \xFB35  346     #HEBREW LETTER VAV WITH DAGESH
letter  \xFB44  1234    #HEBREW LETTER PE WITH DAGESH

#---- Special Signs
sign \xFEFF 0   #Zero width no-break Space

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