[liblouis-liblouisxml] [liblouis] r686 committed - rename runharnessV2.py to runharness.py, overwriting old defunct scrip...

  • From: liblouis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2012 01:18:06 +0000

Revision: 686
Author:   mesar.hameed@xxxxxxxxx
Date:     Fri Jun  8 18:17:54 2012
Log: rename runharnessV2.py to runharness.py, overwriting old defunct script.


--- /trunk/tests/runHarnessV2.py        Fri Jun  8 17:51:56 2012
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Liblouis test harness
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Library General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc., Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-# Boston MA  02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright (c) 2012, liblouis team, Mesar Hameed.
-"""Liblouis test harness:
-Please see the liblouis documentation for information of how to add a new harness or more tests for your braille table.
-@author: Mesar Hameed <mhameed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
-@author: Michael Whapples <mwhapples@xxxxxxx>
-@author: Hammer Attila <hammera@xxxxxxxxx>
-import json
-import os
-import sys
-import traceback
-from glob import iglob
-from nose.plugins import Plugin
-from nose import run
-from louis import translate, backTranslateString
-from louis import noContractions, compbrlAtCursor, dotsIO, comp8Dots, pass1Only, compbrlLeftCursor, otherTrans, ucBrl
-### Nosetest plugin for controlling the output format. ###
-class Reporter(Plugin):
-    name = 'reporter'
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(Reporter, self).__init__()
-        self.res = []
-        self.stream = None
-    def setOutputStream(self, stream):
-        # grab for own use
-        self.stream = stream
-        # return dummy stream
-        class dummy:
-            def write(self, *arg):
-                pass
-            def writeln(self, *arg):
-                pass
-            def flush(self):
-                pass
-        d = dummy()
-        return d
-    def addError(self, test, err):
-        exctype, value, tb = err
-        errMsg = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(exctype, value, tb))
-        self.res.append("--- Error: ---\n%s\n--- end ---\n" % errMsg)
-    def addFailure(self, test, err):
-        exctype, value, tb = err
-        #errMsg = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(exctype, value, None))
-        self.res.append("%s\n" % value)
-    def finalize(self, result):
- total = "%d test%s" % (result.testsRun, result.testsRun != 1 and "s" or "") - failures = "%d failure%s" % (len(result.failures), len(result.failures) != 1 and "s" or "") - errors = "%d error%s" %(len(result.errors), len(result.errors) != 1 and "s" or "") - self.res.append("Ran %s, with %s and %s.\n" % (total, failures, errors))
-        self.stream.write("\n".join(self.res))
-### End of nosetest plugin for controlling the output format. ###
-PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
-def u(a):
-    if PY2:
-        return a.encode("utf-8")
-    return a
-modes = {
-    'noContractions': noContractions,
-    'compbrlAtCursor': compbrlAtCursor,
-    'dotsIO': dotsIO,
-    'comp8Dots': comp8Dots,
-    'pass1Only': pass1Only,
-    'compbrlLeftCursor': compbrlLeftCursor,
-    'otherTrans': otherTrans,
-    'ucBrl': ucBrl
-def showCurPos(length, pos1, marker1="^", pos2=None, marker2="*"):
- """A helper function to make a string to show the position of the given cursor."""
-    display = [" "] *length
-    display[pos1] = marker1
-    if pos2:
-        display[pos2] = marker2
-    return "".join(display)
-class BrailleTest():
- def __init__(self, harnessName, table, input, output, mode=0, cursorPos=None, brlCursorPos=None, testmode='translate', comment=None):
-        self.harnessName = harnessName
-        self.table = table
-        self.input = input
-        self.expectedOutput = output
-        self.mode = mode if not mode else modes[mode]
-        self.cursorPos = cursorPos
-        self.expectedBrlCursorPos = brlCursorPos
-        self.comment = comment
-        self.testmode = testmode
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "%s" % self.harnessName
-    def check_translate(self):
-        if self.cursorPos is not None:
- tBrl, temp1, temp2, tBrlCurPos = translate(self.table, self.input, mode=self.mode, cursorPos=self.cursorPos)
-        else:
- tBrl, temp1, temp2, tBrlCurPos = translate(self.table, self.input, mode=self.mode)
-        template = "%-25s '%s'"
-        tBrlCurPosStr = showCurPos(len(tBrl), tBrlCurPos)
-        report = [
-            "--- Braille Difference Failure: %s ---" % self.__str__(),
-            template % ("input:", self.input),
-            template % ("expected brl:", self.expectedOutput),
-            template % ("actual brl:", tBrl),
-            "--- end ---",
-        ]
-        assert tBrl == self.expectedOutput, u("\n".join(report))
-    def check_backtranslate(self):
- backtranslate_output = backTranslateString(self.table, self.input, None, mode=self.mode)
-        template = "%-25s '%s'"
-        report = [
-            "--- Backtranslate failure: %s ---" % self.__str__(),
-            template % ("input:", self.input),
-            template % ("expected text:", self.expectedOutput),
- template % ("actual backtranslated text:", backtranslate_output),
-            "--- end ---",
-        ]
- assert backtranslate_output == self.expectedOutput, u("\n".join(report))
-    def check_cursor(self):
- tBrl, temp1, temp2, tBrlCurPos = translate(self.table, self.input, mode=self.mode, cursorPos=self.cursorPos)
-        template = "%-25s '%s'"
- etBrlCurPosStr = showCurPos(len(tBrl), tBrlCurPos, pos2=self.expectedBrlCursorPos)
-        report = [
- "--- Braille Cursor Difference Failure: %s ---" %self.__str__(),
-            template % ("input:", self.input),
-            template % ("received brl:", tBrl),
- template % ("BRLCursorAt %d expected %d:" %(tBrlCurPos, self.expectedBrlCursorPos),
-                        etBrlCurPosStr),
-            "--- end ---"
-        ]
- assert tBrlCurPos == self.expectedBrlCursorPos, u("\n".join(report))
-def test_allCases():
-    harness_dir = "harness"
-    if 'HARNESS_DIR' in os.environ:
-        # we assume that if HARNESS_DIR is set that we are invoked from
-        # the Makefile, i.e. all the paths to the Python test files and
-        # the test tables are set correctly.
-        harness_dir = os.environ['HARNESS_DIR']
-    else:
-        # we are not invoked via the Makefile, i.e. we have to set up the
-        # paths (LOUIS_TABLEPATH) manually.
-        harness_dir = "harness"
-        # make sure local test braille tables are found
-        os.environ['LOUIS_TABLEPATH'] = 'tables'
-    # Process all *_harness.txt files in the harness directory.
-    for harness in iglob(os.path.join(harness_dir, '*_harness.txt')):
-        f = open(harness, 'r')
-        harnessModule = json.load(f, encoding="UTF-8")
-        f.close()
-        tableList = [u(harnessModule['table'])]
-        origflags = {'testmode':'translate'}
-        for section in harnessModule['sections']:
-            flags = section.get('flags', origflags)
-            for testData in section['tests']:
-                test = flags.copy()
-                test.update(testData)
-                bt = BrailleTest(harness, tableList, **test)
-                if test['testmode'] == 'translate':
-                    yield bt.check_translate
-                    if 'cursorPos' in test:
-                        yield bt.check_cursor
-                if test['testmode'] == 'backtranslate':
-                    yield bt.check_backtranslate
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- run(addplugins=[Reporter()], argv=['-v', '--with-reporter', sys.argv[0]], defaultTest=__name__)
--- /trunk/tests/runHarness.py  Wed May 30 10:00:22 2012
+++ /trunk/tests/runHarness.py  Fri Jun  8 18:17:54 2012
@@ -24,15 +24,68 @@

 @author: Mesar Hameed <mhameed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 @author: Michael Whapples <mwhapples@xxxxxxx>
+@author: Hammer Attila <hammera@xxxxxxxxx>

-import sys
-import os
 import json
-from louis import translate
-from louis import noContractions, compbrlAtCursor, dotsIO, comp8Dots, pass1Only, compbrlLeftCursor, otherTrans, ucBrl
+import os
+import sys
+import traceback
 from glob import iglob
+from nose.plugins import Plugin
+from nose import run
+from louis import translate, backTranslateString
+from louis import noContractions, compbrlAtCursor, dotsIO, comp8Dots, pass1Only, compbrlLeftCursor, otherTrans, ucBrl
+### Nosetest plugin for controlling the output format. ###
+class Reporter(Plugin):
+    name = 'reporter'
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(Reporter, self).__init__()
+        self.res = []
+        self.stream = None
+    def setOutputStream(self, stream):
+        # grab for own use
+        self.stream = stream
+        # return dummy stream
+        class dummy:
+            def write(self, *arg):
+                pass
+            def writeln(self, *arg):
+                pass
+            def flush(self):
+                pass
+        d = dummy()
+        return d
+    def addError(self, test, err):
+        exctype, value, tb = err
+        errMsg = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(exctype, value, tb))
+        self.res.append("--- Error: ---\n%s\n--- end ---\n" % errMsg)
+    def addFailure(self, test, err):
+        exctype, value, tb = err
+        #errMsg = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(exctype, value, None))
+        self.res.append("%s\n" % value)
+    def finalize(self, result):
+ total = "%d test%s" % (result.testsRun, result.testsRun != 1 and "s" or "") + failures = "%d failure%s" % (len(result.failures), len(result.failures) != 1 and "s" or "") + errors = "%d error%s" %(len(result.errors), len(result.errors) != 1 and "s" or "") + self.res.append("Ran %s, with %s and %s.\n" % (total, failures, errors))
+        self.stream.write("\n".join(self.res))
+### End of nosetest plugin for controlling the output format. ###
+PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
+def u(a):
+    if PY2:
+        return a.encode("utf-8")
+    return a

 modes = {
     'noContractions': noContractions,
@@ -49,90 +102,101 @@
"""A helper function to make a string to show the position of the given cursor."""
     display = [" "] *length
     display[pos1] = marker1
-    if pos2: display[pos2] = marker2
+    if pos2:
+        display[pos2] = marker2
     return "".join(display)

-def reportFailure(text, actualBRL, expectedBRL, cursorPos, actualBRLCursorPos, expectedBRLCursorPos):
-    """Function to layout and print a failure report.
- Works out where the missmatch is occuring and presents the necessary information, with markers.
-    """
-    template = "%-25s '%s'"
-    report = [template % ("text:", text),
- template %("CursorAt: %d" %cursorPos, showCurPos(len(text), cursorPos) )] - if actualBRL != expectedBRL and actualBRLCursorPos != expectedBRLCursorPos:
-        report.insert(0,"--- Braille and cursor Difference Failure: ---")
-        report.extend([
-            template % ("expected brl:", expectedBRL),
- template %("expectedCursorAt: %d" %expectedBRLCursorPos, showCurPos(len(expectedBRL), expectedBRLCursorPos) ),
-            template % ("actual brl:", actualBRL),
- template %("actualCursorAt: %d" %actualBRLCursorPos, showCurPos(len(actualBRL), actualBRLCursorPos) ),
-        ])
-    elif actualBRL != expectedBRL:
-        report.insert(0,"--- Braille Difference Failure: ---")
-        report.extend([
-            template % ("expected brl:", expectedBRL),
-            template % ("actual brl:", actualBRL),
- template %("brlCursorAt: %d" %actualBRLCursorPos, showCurPos(len(actualBRL), actualBRLCursorPos) ),
-        ])
-    else:
-        report.insert(0, "--- Braille Cursor Difference Failure: ---")
-        report.extend([
-            template % ("received brl:", actualBRL),
- template % ("BRLCursorAt %d expected %d:" % (actualBRLCursorPos, expectedBRLCursorPos), - showCurPos(len(actualBRL), actualBRLCursorPos, pos2=expectedBRLCursorPos))
-        ])
-    report.append("--- end ---")
-    print("\n".join(report).encode("utf-8"))
-total_failed = 0
-harness_dir = "harness"
-if 'HARNESS_DIR' in os.environ:
-    # we assume that if HARNESS_DIR is set that we are invoked from
-    # the Makefile, i.e. all the paths to the Python test files and
-    # the test tables are set correctly.
-    harness_dir = os.environ['HARNESS_DIR']
-    # we are not invoked via the Makefile, i.e. we have to set up the
-    # paths (LOUIS_TABLEPATH) manually.
+class BrailleTest():
+ def __init__(self, harnessName, table, input, output, mode=0, cursorPos=None, brlCursorPos=None, testmode='translate', comment=None):
+        self.harnessName = harnessName
+        self.table = table
+        self.input = input
+        self.expectedOutput = output
+        self.mode = mode if not mode else modes[mode]
+        self.cursorPos = cursorPos
+        self.expectedBrlCursorPos = brlCursorPos
+        self.comment = comment
+        self.testmode = testmode
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "%s" % self.harnessName
+    def check_translate(self):
+        if self.cursorPos is not None:
+ tBrl, temp1, temp2, tBrlCurPos = translate(self.table, self.input, mode=self.mode, cursorPos=self.cursorPos)
+        else:
+ tBrl, temp1, temp2, tBrlCurPos = translate(self.table, self.input, mode=self.mode)
+        template = "%-25s '%s'"
+        tBrlCurPosStr = showCurPos(len(tBrl), tBrlCurPos)
+        report = [
+            "--- Braille Difference Failure: %s ---" % self.__str__(),
+            template % ("input:", self.input),
+            template % ("expected brl:", self.expectedOutput),
+            template % ("actual brl:", tBrl),
+            "--- end ---",
+        ]
+        assert tBrl == self.expectedOutput, u("\n".join(report))
+    def check_backtranslate(self):
+ backtranslate_output = backTranslateString(self.table, self.input, None, mode=self.mode)
+        template = "%-25s '%s'"
+        report = [
+            "--- Backtranslate failure: %s ---" % self.__str__(),
+            template % ("input:", self.input),
+            template % ("expected text:", self.expectedOutput),
+ template % ("actual backtranslated text:", backtranslate_output),
+            "--- end ---",
+        ]
+ assert backtranslate_output == self.expectedOutput, u("\n".join(report))
+    def check_cursor(self):
+ tBrl, temp1, temp2, tBrlCurPos = translate(self.table, self.input, mode=self.mode, cursorPos=self.cursorPos)
+        template = "%-25s '%s'"
+ etBrlCurPosStr = showCurPos(len(tBrl), tBrlCurPos, pos2=self.expectedBrlCursorPos)
+        report = [
+ "--- Braille Cursor Difference Failure: %s ---" %self.__str__(),
+            template % ("input:", self.input),
+            template % ("received brl:", tBrl),
+ template % ("BRLCursorAt %d expected %d:" %(tBrlCurPos, self.expectedBrlCursorPos),
+                        etBrlCurPosStr),
+            "--- end ---"
+        ]
+ assert tBrlCurPos == self.expectedBrlCursorPos, u("\n".join(report))
+def test_allCases():
     harness_dir = "harness"
-    # make sure local test braille tables are found
-    os.environ['LOUIS_TABLEPATH'] = 'tables'
-# Process all *_harness.txt files in the harness directory.
-for harness in iglob(os.path.join(harness_dir, '*_harness.txt')):
-    try:
+    if 'HARNESS_DIR' in os.environ:
+        # we assume that if HARNESS_DIR is set that we are invoked from
+        # the Makefile, i.e. all the paths to the Python test files and
+        # the test tables are set correctly.
+        harness_dir = os.environ['HARNESS_DIR']
+    else:
+        # we are not invoked via the Makefile, i.e. we have to set up the
+        # paths (LOUIS_TABLEPATH) manually.
+        harness_dir = "harness"
+        # make sure local test braille tables are found
+        os.environ['LOUIS_TABLEPATH'] = 'tables'
+    # Process all *_harness.txt files in the harness directory.
+    for harness in iglob(os.path.join(harness_dir, '*_harness.txt')):
         f = open(harness, 'r')
         harnessModule = json.load(f, encoding="UTF-8")
-    except Exception as e:
-        # Doesn't look like the harness is a valid python file.
-        print("Warning: could not load %s" % harness)
-        print(e)
-        total_failed += 1
-        continue
-    finally:
-    print("Processing %s" %harness)
-    failed = 0
-    tableList = [harnessModule['table'].encode('UTF-8')]
-    for test in harnessModule['tests']:
-        if 'mode' in test:
-            test['mode'] = modes[test['mode']]
-        text = test['txt']
-        mode = test.get('mode', 0)
-        cursorPos = test.get('cursorPos', 0)
-        expectedBRLCursorPos = test.get('brlCursorPos', 0)
-        expectedBRL = test['brl']
- actualBRL, BRL2rawPos, raw2BRLPos, actualBRLCursorPos = translate(tableList, text, mode=mode, cursorPos=cursorPos, typeform=None) - if actualBRL != expectedBRL or actualBRLCursorPos != expectedBRLCursorPos:
-            failed += 1
- reportFailure(text, actualBRL, expectedBRL, cursorPos, actualBRLCursorPos, expectedBRLCursorPos)
-    total_failed += failed
-    print("%d of %d tests failed." %(failed, len(harnessModule['tests'])))
-sys.exit(0 if total_failed == 0 else 1)
+        tableList = [u(harnessModule['table'])]
+        origflags = {'testmode':'translate'}
+        for section in harnessModule['sections']:
+            flags = section.get('flags', origflags)
+            for testData in section['tests']:
+                test = flags.copy()
+                test.update(testData)
+                bt = BrailleTest(harness, tableList, **test)
+                if test['testmode'] == 'translate':
+                    yield bt.check_translate
+                    if 'cursorPos' in test:
+                        yield bt.check_cursor
+                if test['testmode'] == 'backtranslate':
+                    yield bt.check_backtranslate
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ run(addplugins=[Reporter()], argv=['-v', '--with-reporter', sys.argv[0]], defaultTest=__name__)
For a description of the software, to download it and links to
project pages go to http://www.abilitiessoft.com

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