[liblouis-liblouisxml] Re: If this is possible, please commit the new hungarian grade1 braille table

  • From: Hammer Attila <hammera@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 07 May 2012 12:18:16 +0200

Unfortunately no, this is not a typo mistake.
The Hungarian braille organization determined the ) literal simbol character with 1356 dot combination (normal english computer braille z letter dots), but when I use this dot combination with z characters in hu-chardefs.cti file, present different result my braille display with the standard request.
For example, literal texts the ( simbol dot numbers is 2346 dots.
Only the 1367 dot combination producing the right result the literal ) simbol in contracted texts when I adapted the new hungarian braille standard the ) literal simbol. If a text contained a ( and a ) character, I see right the english computer braille style z character dots my braille display if I used with 1367 dots.

The normal z letters in literal texts the hungarian braille we marking with 126 dots, similar with literal q letters, with we marking with 12346 dots.

You are full right, this type example word comments the exceptions related file easyest me looking longer time period next years I why added a rule, or easyest a non hungarian developer work to make a testharness for hungarian table to possible do automatic testing a change future. I want prewious do the test harness file based this type comments examples, but I don't no how can possible add the test harness file with accented words based rows and braille translations. For example, what type rule need I adding the future hu1.ctb_test.txt file if I want testing following word contraction?
The braille translation this situation the automatic testing need resulting following dots:

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